Feeling Lost or Depressed After a Spiritual Awakening

“I had a spiritual awakening. Now I feel depressed, lost, and unfulfilled. What am I doing wrong?”

Many people have spiritually awakened, only to then feel lost, depressed, or out of place. Rest assured, the spiritual journey isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but you were not awakened just to suffer.

The pain, depression, or apathy you’re feeling is a sign that you’ve got work to do. This is not the discomfort of transformation. This is a lack of foundational principles and a calling for you to take action.

It’s time to begin the next phase of the journey: Self-discovery and Healing.

“Why do I feel negatively after awakening? Shouldn’t I be relieved, refreshed, or excited?”

You are in a transformation. The activation of an awakening is only the beginning!

You’ve become aware of the truths around you, but your inner self does not yet reflect that. Your inner world, outer world, and the perception of it are not in alignment. This causes emotional/mental conflict.

Feeling lost or depressed after a spiritual awakening is
a sign there’s work to be done to align your inner self
with your new awakened state.

We can’t control our external environment or circumstances. The only thing that we can control in our lives is how we see and feel about things.

For instance, a spouse going through divorce can only do so much before the courts or the other spouse inhibits their ability to fully manage the situation. This can cause discomfort, feelings of being limited or trapped, and a sense of resistance — not accepting your outside scenario and meeting it with feelings of frustration or hopelessness. The only thing in this example that this person has control over is their perception of it.

This is how you overcome the sense of being out-of-place or depression: Align your perception and inner self with your new awakened mindset.

5 Principles of a Spiritual Awakening

Another reason for these negative feelings to arise in a spiritual awakening is due to a lack of guiding principles.

Guide your journey with the following 5 pillars of spiritual awakening:

  1. Give yourself permission to live with a limitless, infinite mindset.
    Using the limiting beliefs we all used before awakening will not serve you. In fact, they are part of the source of your emotional discomfort now.
  2. Do not look to external solutions to solve internal problems.
    The spiritual journey is uniquely yours — only you can discover what your next step should be. Only you can do the inner work required to get there.
  3. Practice self-awareness and mindfulness.
    What’s within our inner self manifests and becomes our outer reality. Be aware of everything you do, think, and say, and more importantly, why?
  4. Set your Intentions. Surrender to the flow of the universe. Trust that your experience is leading you to your greatest good & highest love. Spirit has your back! 
  5. Incorporate faith into your journey.
    Faith is a critical component of our spiritual selves. Proceeding without a solid foundation in faith will always lead to emptiness. Decide how you feel about God, Spirit, Source, and the role God plays in your view of the universe’s innerworkings.
The 5 Pillars of Spiritual Awakening

Protecting against the Dark & Misleading

There is a point in the early stages of awakening where we are more susceptible to allowing misleading or deceiving things in our lives. When we are in exploration mode, we are open to limitless possibilities and soaking up as much as we can. We are doing this with an open heart, which is what makes us more vulnerable than usual. This is why it’s important to make preparations now, so you can be guarded against anything that does not assist you towards your greatest good.

Your soul’s path will be filled with alluring things that could lead you away from the Light. Be prepared to be exposed to anything and everything from worshipping trees, Ouija, false mediums, sketchy Tarot readers, crystal pendulums, spells and trendy “witchy” things.

After being newly awakened, it’s important to:

  • Evaluate these things. You have to know where you stand.
  • Experiment with your energetic (psychic) abilities. Practice transcendental meditation. Notice messages and synchronicities. You are capable of so much more!
  • Get to know yourself all over again. Meet your inner child, spirit guide, confront past traumas, learn about previous incarnations, and discover your purpose for this lifetime.
  • Explore expanded concepts like past lives, the fifth dimension, parallel lives and the oversoul, God, source energy, numerology… Everything connects.
New Age is Spiritual Death: Beware of the fake light workers

Take your awakening seriously. After all, we’re talking about your spiritual journey! Protect it, nurture it, and cherish it as the beautifully divine gift it is. This means doing the groundwork to keep it guarded from hazardous or damaging influences.

How to stop feeling lost/depressed after Awakening

Since you’ve awakened, your heart is open. Things are coming to the surface to heal. There will be some pain or discomfort in this process, but a feeling of being lost or depressed is a signal that it’s time to address something.

You’re feeling this way because you’re still living your life with the weight of the limiting beliefs, restrictions, past traumas, and haven’t yet healed enough to fully shift your perception into its new awakened state.

What’s within your inner self manifests to become your outer reality.
It all starts with you.

Take time to go into “Hermit” mode. Reflect on life thus far. Go deep and understand past events and future desires. Release people or things that no longer serve you.

It’s time for you to explore yourself, with the goal of loving yourself to your highest ability.


You are not alone!

Spirit, your guides, soul family, and a huge community of awakened lightworkers are here by your side.

Connection is key.

We are here every step of the way. Find us on forums like Quora, Facebook groups, or visit your local mystic boutique (anywhere that sells crystals, Tarot decks, or offers readings) to get involved.

Love & Light ❤

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