Rebirth: The Spiritual Evolution that Reunited Two Souls

In a story that navigates the passing of a twin flame partner and breaking beyond the illusions of life and death, Rebirth: The Spiritual Evolution that Reunited Two Souls takes us through an understanding of divine timing in relationships and synchronicity between people, providing an illuminating perspective on how one’s body, mind, and spirit tie into the infinite web of the universe.

Rebirth is the story of how author Lisa Arrington was taken on a path of spiritual discovery to reunite with her Twin Flame after his unexpected death.

Transcribed from personal wisdom and knowledge to guide readers toward realizing their true magnificence, Rebirth promises a deeply empowering experience.

About the Book

After Greg tragically died just shy of his 33rd birthday, he reached out through the ether to author Lisa Arrington with a surprising message that he would somehow rejoin her and continue their journey together. Lisa took a leap of faith and pursued the path to find him again.

Supported by years of documentation and research, Rebirth takes an educated look at the journey from love and loss to rebirth and reunion.

  • Explore the theory of soul connections like Twin Flames, walk-ins, and the illusion of separation.
  • Examine concepts like cosmic consciousness, personal transformation, and spiritual awakening.
  • Open to a world of limitless possibilities and be reminded that love conquers all.

Evolve from the traditional, limiting view of life and death with insightful information on Twin Flames and soulmates, scientific principles, and theological beliefs to explain how the soul works and the interconnected network we’re each a part of.

I can’t even begin to tell you how cathartic reading Rebirth: The Spiritual Evolution that Reunited Two Souls has been. My stomach is stirring with all these emotions that have been lying dormant since my Twin Flame died! This book is amazing and will help so many souls.

Sam, The Krystal Kitty

When you hear spirit’s call, the lessons of Rebirth encourage you to embrace the full potential of what you’re being promised. The experiences shared in this book show how you can follow the path of connection to fulfill your very own miracle, including:

  • Accessing your higher self to unleash the infinite abundance of love that awaits you when you remove the blocks.
  • Learning to look to the patterns that bridge the dimensions of life, bringing new meaning and guidance to you.
  • Realizing that you are a powerful co-creator who with the ability to rid yourself of the doubt and fear that’s holding you back from your own miracle.

When you understand the universal patterns and processes that span our life, the impossible notion that two Twin Flames could channel their higher self in spirit and into a physical form here on earth to continue their journey becomes possible.

Reader Reviews & Testimonials

“Game changer”

I’m on page 117, but felt I needed to email you. So much of this book is telling my story since my twin flame passed over. And the part, “9 Steps to Prepare for a Miracle” is SPOT. ON.

You’ve made a very big impact on my journey, and consequently, for many others in the future. Rebirth is a game changer.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Jenna T.

“Making sense of difficult times”

This story has truly touched me. I can relate 100%. I was with my soulmate for 33 years before she died recently. I was seeing number patterns daily leading up to her death and have since. I strangely knew that somehow we would be parted but my ego hoped that we would make the grade together and would walk forward in a new earth.

This has helped me make sense of a difficult time in my life.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Greg N.

“Growing a stronger connection”

There are many stories pertaining to Twin Flames, but since reading this one, I have felt my Twin Flame connection grow stronger–that is incredible! This story inspired me to connect with him every day now and it’s leading to more intense communication and manifestations.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Heather R.

“A message the world could use right now”

Reading your book gives me shivers and brings tears to my eyes. It is captivating, beautifully written. I think these are messages that many in the world could use right now, and overall the intentions and lessons of this story resonate so deeply with me.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Molly C.

I’ve found it, a story that resonates with my own. I’ve been searching for something to relate to. The way Rebirth is written was like me telling what’s happened to me, almost event to event. Thank you for sharing your story.



August 2023

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Who is this Book for?

This book is perfect if you have:

  • Lost a loved one and are navigating the grief journey.
  • Felt the connection of a Twin Flame or soulmate.
  • Been called to a path of personal transformation and spiritual awakening.

Rebirth is about so much more than a love story between two Twin Flames. It is a love story about the world and awakening to the infinite possibilities that are available to us.

Read the true narrative of spiritual evolution that rendered the impossible possible, and come along for the journey of how Greg’s promise to Lisa came true.

Based on the Blog Series, Death of a Twin Flame and Continuing the Journey.
Cover design features painting by artist Molly Chopin.
Edited by Candace Johnson of Change It Up Editing.