Why do I see repeating numbers after my Twin Flame died?

By: Lisa Arrington, August 25, 2023

Numbers often appear to us to get our attention. After your Twin Flame dies, you might notice seeing specific numbers more than usual. Some people call these type of synchronicities, “angel numbers.”

Angel numbers are repeating number sequences that are used as guides for deeper spiritual exploration. Each angel number has its own meaning, though the exact meaning may vary and be unique to you. The circumstances in which you see an angel number should also be taken into context and may be part of the message you’re being sent.

In general, if you see 111, 222, or other numerical synchronicities after the death of your twin flame, you can take it as a sign of love and support. Your twin flame is still with you, and they are sending you their love.

Angel Number Meanings Table

When a person passes away, their soul goes through a healing process to realign with their higher self. This process takes place in the spirit realm and can take days, weeks, or even months. You may feel their energy close to you at first, but then notice it start to pull away and become distant. This does not mean that they have truly left you. Your loved one is simply coping and healing, just as you are.

This healing process may also cause a shift in the numerical synchronicities or angel numbers that you see. It is helpful to document these occurrences so that you can track any changes or evolution in the messages that you are receiving.

Here are some reasons for seeing these repeating numbers after your loss, from angel numbers 111 to 999, plus the infamous 1111.

Why do I see 111 after my Twin Flame died?

The number 111 is often seen as a sign of new beginnings and fresh starts. When someone sees 111 after their twin flame dies, it can be a sign that their twin flame is encouraging them to move on with their life and create a new beginning.

There are a few reasons why someone might see 111 after their twin flame dies. Some people believe that the number 111 is a message from their twin flame, letting them know that they are still loved and supported. Others believe that the number is a sign from the universe, reminding them that they are not alone in their grief.

Here are some other possible reasons why you might see 111 after your twin flame dies:

  • The number 111 is a reminder of the twin flame journey, and the lessons that were learned along the way.
  • The number 111 is a sign of hope and new beginnings.
  • The number 111 is a message from the universe, letting you know that you are on the right path.

Why do I see 222 after my Twin Flame died?

The number 222 is often seen as a sign of comfort and support from loved ones who have passed away. When you see 222 after your twin flame dies, it can be a sign that your twin flame is still with you in spirit, watching over you and sending you love.

Some people believe that the number 222 is a message from their twin flame, letting them know that they are still loved and supported. Others believe that the number is a sign from the universe, reminding them that they are not alone in their grief.

Here are some other possible reasons why you might see 222 after your twin flame dies:

  • The number 222 is a reminder of the twin flame journey, and the lessons that were learned along the way.
  • The number 222 is a sign of hope and new beginnings.
  • The number 222 is a message from the universe, letting the person know that they are on the right path.

Why do I see 333 after my Twin Flame died?

The number 333 is often seen as a sign of spiritual enlightenment and awakening. When you see 333 after your twin flame dies, it can be a sign that your twin flame is encouraging you to continue on the spiritual journey and to reach your full potential.

There are a few reasons why someone might see 333 after their twin flame dies. Some people believe that the number 333 is a message from their twin flame, letting them know that they are still loved and supported. Others believe that the number is a sign from the universe, reminding them that they are not alone in their grief.

Here are some other possible reasons why you might see 333 after your twin flame dies:

  • The number 333 is a reminder of the twin flame journey, and the lessons that were learned along the way.
  • The number 333 is a sign of hope and new beginnings.
  • The number 333 is a message from the universe, letting the person know that they are on the right path.

Why do I see 444 after my Twin Flame died?

The number 444 is often seen as a sign of protection and guidance from angels or spirit guides. When someone sees 444 after their twin flame dies, it can be a sign that their twin flame is still with them in spirit, watching over them and sending them love and protection.

There are a few reasons why someone might see 444 after their twin flame dies. One possibility is that the number is a coincidence, but many people believe that it is more than that. Some people believe that the number 444 is a message from their twin flame, letting them know that they are still loved and supported. Others believe that the number is a sign from the universe, reminding them that they are not alone in their grief.

Here are some other possible reasons why you might see 444 after your twin flame dies:

  • The number 444 is a reminder of the twin flame journey, and the lessons that were learned along the way.
  • The number 444 is a sign of hope and new beginnings.
  • The number 444 is a message from the universe, letting the person know that they are on the right path.

Why do I see 555 after my Twin Flame died?

Seeing the number 555 after your twin flame died can have a few different meanings. It could be a sign from your twin flame that they are still with you in spirit, or it could be a message from the universe that you are on the right path.

Here are some other possible meanings of seeing 555 after your twin flame died:

  • It is a sign of change and transformation. The number 5 is often associated with change, so seeing it repeatedly could be a sign that you are going through a period of transformation in your life. This could be related to your grief process, or it could be something else entirely.
  • It is a sign of hope and new beginnings. The number 5 is also associated with new beginnings, so seeing it repeatedly could be a sign that you are about to enter a new chapter in your life. This could be a time of healing and growth, or it could be a time to start a new relationship.
  • It is a message from your twin flame to trust your intuition. Your twin flame may be trying to tell you to trust your intuition and to follow your heart. This could be especially important during times of grief, when it can be easy to doubt yourself.

Ultimately, the meaning of seeing 555 after your twin flame died is up to you to decide. If you feel that the number is a sign from your twin flame, then trust your intuition and follow your heart. There is no right or wrong answer, and the most important thing is to find comfort and meaning in the number.

Why do I see 666 after my Twin Flame died?

The number 666 is often seen as a sign of the devil or evil, but it can also have a positive meaning. In some cultures, the number 6 is seen as a symbol of balance and harmony. When someone sees 666 after their twin flame dies, it could be a sign that they are going through a period of balance and harmony in their life.

Here are some other possible meanings of seeing 666 after your twin flame died:

  • It is a sign of completion. The number 6 is often associated with completion, so seeing it repeatedly could be a sign that you are completing a chapter in your life. This could be related to your grief process, or it could be something else entirely.
  • It is a sign of new beginnings. The number 6 is also associated with new beginnings, so seeing it repeatedly could be a sign that you are about to enter a new chapter in your life. This could be a time of healing and growth, or it could be a time to start a new relationship.
  • It is a message from your twin flame to let go. Your twin flame may be trying to tell you to let go of the past and to move on with your life. This could be especially important during times of grief, when it can be easy to hold on to negative emotions.

However, it is important to note that the number 666 can also have negative connotations. Some people believe that it is a sign of the devil or evil. If you are seeing 666 frequently and it is causing you distress, it may be helpful to talk to a therapist or counselor.

Why do I see 777 after my Twin Flame died?

The number 777 is often seen as a sign of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. When someone sees 777 after their twin flame dies, it can be a sign that their twin flame is still with them in spirit, watching over them and sending them love and guidance.

Here are some other possible reasons why you might see 777 after your twin flame dies:

  • It is a sign of hope and new beginnings. The number 7 is often associated with hope and new beginnings, so seeing it repeatedly could be a sign that you are about to enter a new chapter in your life. This could be a time of healing and growth, or it could be a time to start a new relationship.
  • It is a message from your twin flame to trust your intuition. Your twin flame may be trying to tell you to trust your intuition and to follow your heart. This could be especially important during times of grief, when it can be easy to doubt yourself.
  • It is a sign that you are on the right path. The number 7 is often seen as a sign of guidance, so seeing it repeatedly could be a sign that you are on the right path in your life. This could be related to your grief process, or it could be something else entirely.

Ultimately, the meaning of seeing 777 after your twin flame died is up to you to decide. If you feel that the number is a sign from your twin flame, then trust your intuition and follow your heart. There is no right or wrong answer, and the most important thing is to find comfort and meaning in the number.

Why do I see 888 after my Twin Flame died?

The number 888 is often seen as a sign of infinity, abundance, and new beginnings. When someone sees 888 after their twin flame dies, it can be a sign that their twin flame is still with them in spirit, watching over them and sending them love and support.

The numerology meaning of 888 is often associated with karma, as well. The meaning of the number 8 is amplified three times in 888, so it is a strong signal to take charge of your life, as you are in a process of transformation, regeneration, or rebirth.

Here are some other possible meanings of 888:

  • Infinity: The number 8 is often associated with infinity, so seeing 888 could be a sign that you are connected to something larger than yourself. This could be a spiritual connection, or it could be a connection to the universe.
  • Abundance: The number 8 is also associated with abundance, so seeing 888 could be a sign that you are about to experience financial or material wealth. This could be a sign that your hard work is paying off, or it could be a sign that you are about to receive a windfall.
  • New beginnings: The number 8 is also associated with new beginnings, so seeing 888 could be a sign that you are about to embark on a new chapter in your life. This could be a time of change and transformation, or it could be a time of opportunity and growth.

Angel number 888 is a powerful number that can bring positive changes into your life. If you keep seeing it, pay attention to the messages that it is sending you.

Why do I see 999 after my Twin Flame died?

In numerology, the number 9 represents endings. In 999, the meaning is amplified three-fold. If you are seeing 999 in your daily life, it may be a sign that a new cycle of life is on its way.

The angel number 999 for twin flames signifies the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. It represents the completion of one phase and the start of another. It is a sign that you are on the right path and have almost accomplished what you set out to do.

Here are some additional details about the angel number 999 for twin flames:

  • It is a sign of completion and new beginnings.
  • It is a reminder that you are on the right path and that you are supported by the universe.
  • It is a message to let go of the past and to focus on the present moment.
  • It is a call to action to step into your power and to live your life to the fullest.

If you are seeing the angel number 999, take some time to reflect on what it means to you. What is coming to an end in your life? What new beginnings are you ready to embrace? Trust that the universe is guiding you towards your highest good.

Why do I see 1111 after my Twin Flame died?

The number 1111 is a powerful angel number that is often associated with twin flames. It’s often referred to as “the twin flame number.” While all numbers relate to the twin flame journey and can be considered “twin flame numbers,” the four ones in 1111 represent the twin flames themselves, and the synchronicity of their connection.

In numerology, the number 1 represents new beginnings, creation, and individuality. The number 11 is a master number that amplifies the power of the number 1. It is often associated with intuition, spirituality, and enlightenment. When these numbers are combined, they create a powerful force that can help twin flames to connect with each other and to fulfill their soul’s purpose. If you are seeing the number 11:11, it is a sign that you are on the right path and that you are being supported by the universe.

When you see 1111, it is often seen as a sign of new beginnings and fresh starts. Seeing it after your twin flame dies can be a sign that your partner is encouraging you to move on with their life and create a new beginning.

Here are some other possible reasons why you see 1111 after your twin flame dies:

  • It is a reminder of the twin flame journey, and the lessons that were learned along the way.
  • It is a sign of hope and new beginnings.
  • It is a message from the universe, letting you know that you are on the right path.

Ultimately, the meaning of seeing 1111 after your twin flame died is up to you to decide. If you feel that the number is a sign from your twin flame, then trust your intuition and follow your heart. There is no right or wrong answer, and the most important thing is to find comfort and meaning in the number.

If You’re Seeing Numbers After a Loved One Dies

First, know that you’re not crazy. If you feel you are seeing a number more than usual, chances are that you are. There is meaning and purpose in these signals.

Whatever the reason you’re seeing these numerical patterns, know that they are meant to bring you comfort and reassurance. It’s a reminder that the bond between twin flames is eternal, and that even death cannot sever that connection.

Here are three things to do if you keep seeing a number:

  1. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings: When you see the number, take a moment to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. What are you thinking about? How are you feeling?
  2. Meditate or pray: If you are religious or spiritual, you may want to meditate or pray on the meaning of the number’s message. This can help you to connect with your intuition and to receive guidance from the universe.
  3. Take action: If you feel that it is a sign that you need to take action, then do it! This could mean starting a new project, making a change in your life, or taking a leap of faith.

Grieving the Loss of a Twin Flame

It’s important to remember that everyone experiences grief differently. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, and what works for one person may not work for another. If you are struggling to cope with the death of your twin flame, please reach out for help.

Here are some additional things to do to cope with the loss of your twin flame:

  • Allow yourself to grieve. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, so allow yourself to feel whatever emotions come up for you.
  • Talk to someone you trust. Talking to a friend, family member, therapist, or counselor can help you process your grief.
  • Do things that make you happy. Make time for activities that you enjoy, even if you don’t feel like it.
  • Take care of yourself. Make sure to eat healthy, get enough sleep, and exercise.
  • Be patient with yourself. Grieving takes time, so don’t expect to feel better overnight.

You do not have to go through this alone. There are many resources available to help you like the free Facebook group, Twin Flame & Soulmate Grief Support. This group is comprised of a community of people who know what it’s like to lose a twin flame or soulmate and to walk the path of spiritual evolution.

Here is more information to help you grieve a twin flame and cope with the signs you are receiving:

Have you ever wondered what happens to Twin Flames after they die? After losing a Twin Flame or Twin Soul partner, it’s common to have many questions in the aftermath of grief.

This article offers insight based on real-life experience into these life-changing questions and answers as to why your twin flame died, working with their energy now, why you may feel so connected to them, and what it all means for your journey.

Table of Contents:

  • Why do Twin Flames die?
  • If my Twin Flame died, were we really Twin Flames?
  • Does having a deceased Twin Flame connect you to the other side?
  • Can I communicate with my Twin Flame on the other side?
  • Will I see my Twin Flame again?
  • What is a Twin Flame walk-in?
  • How do I know if my Twin Flame will return?
  • How can I cope after my Twin Flame’s death?

FAQ: What Happens When a Twin Flame Dies and How to Go On Living

Why do Twin Flames die?

One of the first questions I asked myself upon learning about my Twin Flame’s passing was, “Why did my Twin Flame die?”

In short, a Twin Flame partner may pass away because an old cycle is ending. The surviving partner experiences this loss to supercharge their spiritual awakening, giving them greater depth and understanding of the concepts needed for a 5D world.

While losing a loved one is never easy and is often viewed in a negative light, many people who’ve lost their Twin Flame say the experience has positively benefited them in ways that no other experience could provide. Those who choose to embrace their loss and focus on their healing, intuition, and spirit communication skills to derive purpose from the situation and realize the sacred purpose embedded in all of this may even experience their Twin Flame again in this lifetime.

If my Twin Flame died, were we really Twin Flames?

Chances are, YES! Twin Flames are still human, meaning they’re subject to death and will eventually die. Because Twin Flames are designed to teach us to recognize connection and love at levels beyond the physical, abolishing the illusion of separation, some of us are being taught these lessons through our loss. This does not mean the Twin Flame journey is over for this lifetime. For some, it’s gearing up for a second act!

A Twin Flame can pass away for many reasons, from having fulfilled their karmic debt, to breaking cycles, to completing the role they were meant to in that body. Many who’ve passed away in the 2020’s did so in relation to earth’s ascension. As we continue to grow our consciousness and raise the collective frequency, people that are weighed down by past beliefs, trauma, or old 3D templates are opting to leave this life to shed this weight. The old is being done away with so that the new can be created.

The surviving loved ones often feel an intense, deep knowing that their partner will return; that their purpose together is far from over. Some have even found their partner again, this time in a body that’s free of karmic baggage, trauma, or health issues. Their soul has upgraded to a vessel that can support the transition from 3D to 5D. It doesn’t mean they’re not your Twin Flame partner. It simply means that you are both progressing in whatever purpose your soul(s) set out to achieve.

Does the connection with them cease?

No. The Twin Flame bond cannot be severed. The connection you felt to them before becomes amplified in death through personal healing and focus.

Many people experience incredible spiritual phenomena such as heightened synchronicities and vivid dreams after their Twin Flame dies. As your loved one ascends to higher realms, your connection remains unbroken and transcends space and time. Their journey into the dimensional realm of souls and lightbodies gives you a direct link that cannot be hindered — only blocked by yourself or through egoic blocks.

Your loved one now works as an extra resource for guidance on your spiritual path. Your connection with them will continue to be reflected in the form of special abilities like telepathy, rapid manifestation, and more. With their newfound ability to act as spirit guides, they continue offering assistance on your soul journey while still connecting telepathically or through other psychic energies like remote viewing or even distance tantra. You’ve essentially gained a forever friend in Spirit.

Even in death, your Twin Flame connection remains unbreakable. This unique bond lies beyond space and time; connecting you with a realm of endless possibilities. On this cosmic level, your recently departed other half appears as an extended force to guide you on life’s journey offering their celestial help through telepathy, remote viewing or even distance tantra if that was something shared during life together. With these potent powers combined they act as both spiritual guardians and confidants providing extraordinary insight into matters of love and light. Read more in this message to Twin Flame widows and widowers.

Does having a deceased Twin Flame connect you to the other side?

We are always connected to the other side or Spirit realm. After experiencing the loss of someone who is that close to you spiritually, your tether to them transfers with them into Spirit. The veil between worlds is no longer as thick. This supercharges your senses to better receive and transmit metaphysical information.

Your late Twin Flame’s transition to the spiritual world is a boon for your soul, allowing you an unparalleled connection with Spirit. As one who shared such deep energetic ties in life, their departure has opened new pathways and heightened existing ones between you and those realms that lie beyond our perception. This newfound closeness assures infinite possibilities of spiritual exploration.

Your Twin Flame’s journey to the other side serves as a gateway for your own spiritual connection. In having walked before you, they have enabled an energetic bridge between realms that allows deepened insight and heightened awareness of what lies beyond this life. By intertwining spiritually through their transition, greater understanding awaits in places unseen, yet ever felt.

Can I communicate with my Twin Flame on the other side?

Yes. You can now feel more strongly connected to those in the ethereal realm and explore newfound depths on your own cosmic path.

Your Twin Flame acts as a catalyst for spiritual connection. Your Twin Flame’s transition from the physical world back into Spirit thins the veil. Since you’re so deeply intertwined energetically, your connection with this realm expands, too. They are a catalyst for spiritual communication. This means that psychic and mediumship abilities become heightened. If you’ve never considered yourself to be psychic before, you’re likely to have these hidden talents! The grief journey is a time to explore these abilities. After all, the purpose of your Twin Flame’s presence in your life is to unlock your respective potential.

Your Twin Flame is now rid of their ego and 3D conditioning. They exist purely in the energetic realm, which is aligned with 5D thinking. They’ve gone through their own healing process, too, and are eagerly awaiting your metamorphosis into the healed, 5D version of yourself. Without the ego to limit them, you can actually communicate with them better and more directly. This communication happens at the Higher Self level.

Will I see my Twin Flame again?

Deceased Twin Flames don’t always stay in Spirit. Sometimes they re-enter our lives in the form of a Walk-in. There’ve been many reports of people who’ve found their Twin Flame again via a walk-in. Sometimes they return by means of a soul activation like in my Twin Flame’s rebirth.

How is this possible? Well, when you consider multiple levels of a soul, it’s easier to see how a person’s Higher Self can be reflected in another vessel in the same relative span of time. The general belief is that each soul has 12 soul groups, each of which extend into 12 monads of soul energy, which then branch off into 12 instances, so on and so forth. The part of your soul existing in your body now is not your complete, 100% soul. It’s only one component that bubbles up into your Higher Self or Oversoul.

Soul Levels Image of the Soul Matrix

What is a Twin Flame walk-in?

A walk-in is defined as, “a person whose original soul has departed their body and has been replaced with a new, different, soul” (Wikipedia).

After a Twin Flame passes away, the part of a person’s soul that resonates with the Twin Flame journey can become activated, and they’re called into your life to continue the journey your late partner started. It’s similar to how it gets activated in our own selves, once we meet our counterpart for the first time. This is due to the phenomenon of soul dualism — the concept that there are different types of souls, such as monadic and split souls.

Here’s a real life example:
“A Twin Flame, Janice, reached out to me after finding my story and being relieved that she wasn’t the only one who intuitively knew that she’d meet her late loved one again. After spending only a year with her counterpart before he passed away of a terminal illness, she received a message from him. ‘My old body wasn’t able to love you the way you deserve.’ She knew that she would find his soul energy again, and now understood why he had to pass away.” It wasn’t long before Janice had found her Twin Flame again. A story from the Grief Journey for Twin Flames.

Learn more in this great guide: What is a walk-in soul.

How do I know if my Twin Flame will return?

Everyone yearns to see their loved one again. Some of us are lucky enough to find our late Twin Flame’s resonance again in another person. But how do you know if your partner will return as a walk-in or if they’ll return at all? The only way you’ll know this answer for sure is through intuition.

You can ask a psychic for guidance or do targeted sessions like past-life regressions, but the truth can only be confirmed by intuition. If you’re looking for clarification, you’ve got to meditate. Meditation is highly recommended. It is the best way to connect with your Higher Self and commune with the high-vibrational energies that can give you your answer. You can find guided meditations for connecting with your spirit guides or Higher Self, or turn on your favorite solfeggio frequency music and meditate unguided for 25-60 minutes each day. The more you meditate, the better your communication skills, the more you learn to trust what you’re receiving, and the more confirmation you’ll receive for your answer.

Other things to consider include your relationship with your Twin Flame. Uncovering your purpose―your unique mission that you and your partner have for this lifetime―will help you get your answer. Some Twin Flames are here in supporting roles for others. Some are here to be the change and play a starring role in our ascension. Others came to resolve karmic baggage from other iterations. Their Twin Flame journey may be secondary, thereby making a return unlikely.

Also consider the lift that their return would require. It takes a lot of energy to transfer from realm to realm. A soul is unlikely to do it just for the heck of it. But if there’s a bigger reason for it and you’ve gone through healing and done the inner work to position yourself for a second act, and in your heart you know you’re meant for something more, then it’s possible you’ll find your Twin Flame again. All of these factors should be considered when finding your answer.

What is the role of Twin Flames?

Twin Flames have a very important role. They’re meant to do something far greater with their lives than the average person who’s just here to enjoy the views of earth.

The Twin Flame relationship is not just about unconditional love and understanding. It’s a powerful motivator. Through this connection comes the chance to reach deeper levels of personal transformation—igniting new passions within ourselves that we never knew were there. Embracing our inner strength as well as each other’s can lead us down an exciting path of growth, self-realization and liberation.
Twin Flames are designed to be powerful catalysts for personal transformation and soul growth. Encountering our Twin Flame can open your eyes to your previously dormant potential, inspiring you to reach new heights of self-awareness and understanding. Through encouragement and mutual support, the two partners in this connection strive towards lasting improvement on both emotional and spiritual levels, working together as one unified force rather than just two separate entities.
Even in death, your Twin Flame has the power to unlock untapped potential and passion within you. By engaging in this connection, we are encouraged to grow through our experiences together. Our Twin Flames enable personal transformation and soul growth so that we can reach greater heights than ever before. Doing so raises the vibration of our collective humanity and assists earth along the path of ascension. So, Twin Flames are so much more than a romantic love story between two people. It’s a love story about breaking down the barriers of separation, dispelling illusions, and enriching our energy with the highest frequency man’s capable of producing: Love.

Do Twin Flames share a Higher Self?

Split Soul Twin Flames do share a Higher Self and Spirit Guides. This is because of their soul birth, where their soul energy split into two “half souls”. Each half can incarnate as a separate person, but they are part of the same soul. This is not true for all Twin Flames, though. Mondaic Twin Flames lead separate soul paths. They are two unique souls on two individual journeys. In this case, the same soul did not split into two halves at soul birth. Rather, the Twins were born from the same pod of energy which created their eternal bond. This type of Twin Flame has some incarnations solo and some with their Twin Flame. Because they are each their own separate soul, they do not share the same Higher Self or Spirit Guides (though, there may be overlap among their greater spiritual team if they’ve shared enough incarnations together). Read more about the Types of Twin Flames.

How can I cope after my Twin Flame’s death?

Coping with the loss of your Twin Flame can be one of the most difficult experiences to face. It’s essential to allow yourself time and space to grieve and to heal. You don’t need to rush through this process, so take as much time as you need. Though it may feel like everything has been taken away from you, you still possess everything necessary to cope with this difficult situation. Strength, resilience and hope is within you.

The grief journey is a time for healing yourself and for transforming your relationship with your late loved one. Be good to yourself by engaging in activities that bring you joy and comfort. Things like spending quality time with loved ones or engaging in a creative hobby can help distract from the pain while also helping you cope with it. Talking to a trusted friend or therapist can help provide you with an outlet for your feelings, as well as connecting with people who understand what you’re going through.

Read more about what happens when your twin flame dies and what to expect.

Book Cover

A true story of what happens when a Twin Flame dies

Rebirth: The Spiritual Evolution that Reunited Two Souls is the true story of what happened when one Twin Flame experienced the death of her counterpart and the wild journey that followed when she realized their time together was far from over.

Based on the “Death of a Twin Flame” blog series, Rebirth explores navigating life after the loss of such a powerful soul connection, with first-hand experience of phenomena like soul merges, energy channeling, and walk-in encounters. See how we are never truly separated and always bounded by the frequency of love.

How to Grieve After Your Twin Flame Dies

With more people than ever aware that they are in a twin flame relationship, some are experiencing the heart-wrenching pain of their twin flame’s death. In fact, the 2020’s seems to have brought a cycle of death and rebirth for many twin flames (See the research study).

The grief associated with the loss of a twin flame is unlike any other. It’s a profound sorrow that permeates every aspect of one’s existence. It’s as if a part of your soul has been ripped away, and now there’s a void that seems impossible to fill. You may feel left with lingering questions like:

  • Why did my Twin Flame die?
  • How do I go on living after my Twin Flame dies?
  • Since they passed away, does this mean that we are not Twin Flames?
  • How is it possible to still feel connected to them?
  • Can I work with their energy to continue the Twin Flame journey?
  • Will they come back to me? If so, how is that possible?

Losing someone that you’re so deeply connected to can be extremely painful and leave you wondering how your loved one could leave you here. Take comfort in knowing that your Twin Flame has not abandoned you. You haven’t been left to fend for yourself here on earth. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Your Twin Flame is always with you.

What to Expect After Losing Your Twin Flame

It’s natural to wonder why your twin flame left you behind to tough it out on earth alone for the rest of your life. The truth is, your twin flame didn’t leave or abandon you. One, because separation is an illusion. This journey teaches us to see beyond physical closeness and realize that true connection occurs at the metaphysical level (the soul or higher self). Two, because some Twin Flames who’ve ended their incarnation early will often continue to support their counterpart by means of a walk-in or a spiritual helper.

Believed to be the embodiment of two souls intertwined, Twin Flames or Twin Souls create a bond that transcends the physical realm. This bond is formed at levels beyond the 3D material world and carries over from incarnation to incarnation, from timeline to timeline. Unlike a typical relationship with someone that abruptly ceases when a person passes away, the Twin Flame relationship does not end at physical death.

The bond between a Twin Flame couple is secured by the silver cord (sometimes referred to as the golden cord). This cord tethers your body to your higher self and to your Twin Flame. It remains in-tact, metaphysically, after your partner’s death to keep your line of communication to them open.

This can be hard to wrap your head around. But understanding the exact mechanics of your connection is not what’s important. Your intuition and harnessing your energetic abilities (such as telepathy, remote viewing, and rapid manifestation) are, as it’s through these skills that you’re able to continue walking the Twin Flame path even after your partner has crossed over the other side.

Reunion Image


How to Grieve a Twin Flame: A Message to Twin Flame Widows/Widowers

If your Twin Flame died, this message is for you. Get reassurance and important insights in this intuitively-guided, channeled message.


How to Go on Living After Your Twin Flame Dies

Many people ask, “How do I go on living after my twin flame dies?”

You can’t continue living the way you did before they passed away. These old templates, limiting beliefs, and lower frequency things that formerly made up your thinking and drove your life will no longer fit you. Life will feel “off” if you try to keep your previous way of life.

Their death is not so much a loss as it is a rebirth and the gain of a forever companion in spirit who will help you level up, so to speak. You will gain a new perspective. Your senses will expand to become more aware of the metaphysical side of life and open to life’s spiritual realm.

In short, the frequency you resonate will increase (See Dr. David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness).

How do I deal with feelings of emptiness, despair, and longing for my late Twin Flame?

Despite the initial shock when a Twin Flame passes away, many people who’ve lost their partner say that the experience has brought positive benefits to their life in a way no other experience could provide. Survivors realize the sacred purpose embedded in all of this may even experience their Twin Flame again in this lifetime. But what happens when the grief becomes overpowering and takes over our life?

When the bond with your loved one appears severed by death, the grieving process takes on an unimaginable intensity, leaving individuals grappling with feelings of emptiness, despair, and an unshakeable longing for their lost counterpart.

In this case, it is more important than ever to go inward. The best way to heal and overcome the grief is by transforming your view of how you define life. Life is not defined by a physical body. It is defined by our soul. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Not the other way around.

How do I heal after my Twin Flame died?

Healing the negative feelings of grief starts with taking a look at yourself. What is it that’s keeping you tied to their physical body? Who you knew them as in this life is not who they actually are. Their spirit is their true essence. And since they’ve returned to themselves in spirit, and because spirit is able to reach us in this world, there should be no reason for you to be upset. Right?

Well, that may be so, but the truth is we are only human. It’s normal to have moments of despair where all you want in the world is a hug from your late loved one.

There are many tools available to heal these feelings of grief within yourself. Know that your partner is no longer in pain and not tied down to low-vibrational things of this world. They are healed and returned to their higher self in spirit. This means that any negative feelings you may have are independent of them — they are sourced from within yourself. This is good news, because the one thing we can control in this life is our own emotions.

Learn to identify as your spirit, and you’ll begin to feel the fulfillment and grace from recognizing your spiritual connection to your partner. You’ll see that they do not need to physically be here on earth with you to send you their love. In fact, receiving their love solely in the metaphysical form can be even more intense than feeling their love from when they were in their limited, restricted physical body.

I had first-hand experience with grieving the loss of my loved one. When my Twin Flame died, I found solace in the energy healings and meditations by Reiki Rachael. She offers free sessions where she channels powerful Reiki energy to you and walks you through the steps to connect with your Twin Flame’s higher self and heal the block and imbalances in your connection. Meditation is the best way to feel this connection to your late loved one. Try this free meditation to get a hug from your Twin Flame.

Why do I feel their presence sometimes and not others?

When a person dies, their soul goes through a healing process to come back into alignment with their higher self. This process happens in spirit, but the effects can be felt here in the physical world through your senses. The healing that burns up things that no longer serve us and transmutes any lingering energy for our highest good.

As they undergo their healing process, their energy will fluctuate. They might come in strong one day, but be MIA the next. This can be unnerving for some people and spark fears that their Twin Flame has left them or is no longer present. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Just because you don’t perceive their presence in the form or at the level of intensity you desire, doesn’t mean that you’re not perceiving them. When you’re undergoing a sensitive period, you might withdrawal from friendships and relationships temporarily to focus on yourself. It’s not uncommon for your partner to take time to themselves, which may appear that they are absent or distant from you. This is no cause for alarm.

Even in spirit, people need time to analyze, process, and integrate. They never truly leave you and are always only a quick thought away. You can call them in at any time. When they’re ready, they will return to the relationship healed, balanced, and in full force.

How long does their healing process take?

Certified past life regressionist and QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) practitioner, Irina Nola, theorizes that it can take about one year for a romantic partner to fully undergo their healing process. She also says that their soul will undergo a life review once returning to the spiritual realm, which is just like what it sounds like: a review of the life they lived here where they evaluate what they did well, what didn’t work out, where they could improve, and the lessons they need to integrate from their time here. So, as you are going through the grief journey here in this realm, they are busy working through a journey of their own in spirit.

In my own experience, I was able to supercharge the healing process on both sides of the relationship. My late Twin Flame completed his healing in just three to four months. The timing will be different for everyone and is dependent on factors like the support of your guides and soul family and dedication to your own healing and personal transformation.

Receiving Signs and Messages from your Twin Flame on the Other Side

Now that they’re on the other side, your Twin Flame will reach you in ways that are unique and meaningful to your specific relationship together. You might notice things like the unmistakable feeling that they’re near you, having them visit you in your dreams, or seeing synchronicities in dates and times like 11:11 or $4.44.

As you experience these things, it’s important to take time to reflect on the meaning of them when they occur. These phenomena are cherished messages from your loved one, and are being sent to you to soothe feelings of longing or loneliness. You’re not going crazy. You’re not being fooled by grief. This is their authentic energy that’s flowing through to you. These things are real, energetic occurrences — tools that you’re meant to use in your own healing.

The period after the death of a twin flame or soulmate is one of heightened connection. The energy transfer of their soul to the other side means you will be extra sensitive to metaphysical phenomena. Your loved one may try to reach you through signs, messages, and synchronicities.

Here are some of the ways you might receive guidance and messages after your Twin Flame passes away:

  1. Synchronicities
  2. Angel numbers
  3. Astrology patterns
  4. Light
  5. Connections
  6. Dreams
  7. Visions and Intuitive Messages
  8. Connect with like-minded people

Your Twin Flame loves you and wants you to be happy. They will use these signs to send you helpful guidance to resolve feelings of grief and let you know they are OK. Although you may be in the throws of grief, it’s important to keep a lookout for these things, as they can contain important guidance for you.

Repeating Numbers Hero Image


Why do I see repeating numbers after my Twin Flame died?

Many people see repeating numbers after losing a Twin Flame. Here are reasons for why you might be seeing these numbers and how you can cope.


Honoring the Connection and Embracing the Grieving Process

Navigating the grief of losing a twin flame or soul mate requires patience, self-compassion, and a willingness to honor the deep connection you shared. Your grief journey will be different from the norm because of the powerful soul connection you share with your twin flame. As you pick up the pieces, you’ll endure a beautiful transformation of yourself and your connection to your loved one. You may even receive signals of a return, also known as a walk-in.

Allow yourself to feel the full spectrum of emotions, from despair to anger, without judgment or self-recrimination. Express your grief through journaling, creative endeavors, or seeking support from trusted loved ones.

Grief is not a linear process; it’s a journey with ebbs and flows. There will be moments of deep sorrow, followed by periods of relative calm. Honor these fluctuations and allow yourself to process the loss at your own pace.

Finding Meaning and Purpose in Life After Loss

Many of the people who’ve lost their twin flame will take advantage of their newfound sensitivity to the spiritual side and explore the connection to their loved one. They’ll do things like meditate, energy healing, past-life regressions, and dream work to deepen their understanding of who their twin flame is to them and what their unique mission is together. They take the path of self-discovery and end up uncovering a greater purpose in their time here, and learn how to use their twin flame’s energy to support their endeavor.

For instance, one twin flame lost her partner in an unjust way while he was incarcerated. Today, she lobbies alongside non-profit groups with causes related to getting justice for incarcerated loved ones and being the voice of those whose rights are limited. She discovered this new interest that she’s passionate about and talented at, because of what her loss awakened in her.

Another twin flame founded a group for ALS awareness, after losing her partner to misdiagnosed health issues. I, myself, activated my deeper purpose by starting this blog and feeling guided to write a book about my experiences on this journey.

These twin flames have taken something so incredibly painful and turned it into something positively beautiful — a lifelong purpose that drives them and keeps their loved one close to their heart. You can do this, too.

Real Story: A Chronically Ill Twin Flame Died to Return to His Partner Better

A Twin Flame, Janice, reached out to me after finding my story, relieved that she wasn’t the only one who felt that she’d meet her late loved one again.

After spending only a year with her Twin Flame before he passed away of a terminal illness, she received a message from him on the other side: “My old body wasn’t able to love you the way you deserve.”

Through the work she did during her grief to uncover the nature and meaning of her Twin Flame journey, she now understood why he had to pass away. The body he had could not sustain life in a way that she could experience his love. He was physically ill. His soul required a more suitable vessel to continue the journey in. So, he did not leave her. They were both meant to evolve.

Her Twin Flame’s passing was also beneficial for her. It was needed to reconnect the dots in certain areas, break old cycles, and level up her spiritual template to prepare for what was to come.

Reaching Out for Support

It takes a lot of conviction and assurance to share something you can’t definitively prove, such as the synchronicities and signs you’ve received after your twin flame’s passing, but it’s important to reach out and share your story for support during your time of grief.

There are others out there going through what you’re experiencing. Know that you’re not crazy (many newly awakened people have wondered this at one point or another because of all the new things that come to light after a twin flame’s passing) — we really are entering a new age of being. Reach out and connect to this network of likeminded individuals. You don’t have to go through this alone! Find support here in the Twin Flame & Soulmate Grief Support group.

Twin Flame Grief Support

Twin Flames and Soulmates Grief Support Group

If you’ve lost your Twin Flame, you don’t have to go through it alone. This open group for Twin Flame & Soulmate Grief Support has resources for coping with your Twin Flame’s passing. It’s made up of other Twin Flames and soulmates who’ve lost their partners and making their way through the healing journey.


The loss of a twin flame or soulmate is a deeply transformative experience, one that has the potential to awaken a deeper understanding of oneself and the interconnectedness of all beings. Embrace the lessons learned from this profound connection, allowing them to guide you towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Remember, even in the face of unimaginable loss, love’s essence remains like a beacon of hope and resilience to guide you forward on your journey.

While the pain of losing a twin flame or soul mate may never fully subside, it’s important to remember that life continues, carrying the profound impact of this connection. Honor your lost love by living a life that embodies the values and principles you shared. Seek solace in activities that bring you joy and purpose, whether it’s pursuing creative passions, connecting with nature, or dedicating your time to causes that resonate with your soul.

The loss teaches us to value one’s metaphysical presence equally, if not more than their physical presence. It enlightens us to acknowledge life beyond the physical plane. It shows us what’s important and reminds us that the love we feel for our partner and the connection to their Higher Self never faded. Our understanding of separation is refined and the illusion that we were ever separated in the first place fades away. Our view of life and death gets restructured and we’re brought closer to the truth that we are always with our twin flame.

No matter if it has been one day or one decade since your loved one passed, you will maintain a connection with them as if they were still here. Your grief journey will overlap with a transformative rebirth, through which you will level up to prepare for the next stage along your path. Remember, death was not the end. This is likely the beginning of a new chapter with your love.

You’re in the midst of an awesome transformation. Trust the process, heal blockages, and stay open to receiving the tons of love being sent your way by others in the collective.

More Resources for Life After Your Loss

If you’re dealing with the death of your Twin Flame, here are some resources to help cope with your loss and bring healing, love and comfort.

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