Resources, articles and real stories
Information about Twin Flame soul connections, including what are Twin Flames, the types of Twin Flames, and what happens after the death of your Twin Flame.
Death of a Twin Flame Series
Death of a Twin Flame & Promise of a Return

After a 13 year journey, I lost my Twin Flame in early 2021. Read the story and learn how they will return to continue the journey in this lifetime. (Hey, stranger things have happened!)
Rebirth & Reunion of My Twin Flame: Walk-in

When my Twin Flame passed, the connection did not fade. In fact, it grew even more prevalent. Even more shocking is the promise of a return. Can they really return within this same lifetime?
The Journey Continued: A New Connection

The universe fulfilled its promise. I’ve found my “new” Twin Flame and am continuing the journey after my loved one’s passing in 2021.