The most popular definition of a Twin Flame is, “one soul split into two separate bodies.” However, there are multiple types of soul connections (for instance, there are at least 8 different types of Soul Mates). Twin Flames are no exception.
The types of Twin Flames known so far are:
- Monadic Twin Flames
- Split Soul Twin Flames
- Starseed Twins
- False Flames
The Types of Twin Flame Connections
1. Mondaic Twin Flames
Twin Flames who originated at soul birth, sharing the same “monad” of energy at the birth of their existence. During this process, the energy separated into two individual souls. The two souls each have their own spiritual journey and soul path. Outside of spending time together in the spiritual realm, their journeys intersect when they incarnate in the same lifetime together. In these incarnations together, it is often a positive experience where they are supporting one another along their respective paths.
These Twin Flames share a strong bond, with the same “golden cord” always connecting them since they’ve known one another since their soul’s creation. Each soul has its own Higher Self and set of Spirit Guides, though some overlap may occur if they’ve shared many previous incarnations together.
For instance, I am in a Mondaic Twin Flame dynamic. My Twin Flame and I had other incarnations together, which means we have Soulmate energy, as well.
A Soulmate relationship often deals with karma and life lessons—it is a karmic journey that seeks to fulfill a purpose in your life, balance karma, or simply connect you with those you’ve been close to before (there is always a reason for that). Twin Flames are divine relationships. I say this because there is nothing more divine than unconditional love. The Twin Flame journey may entail immense trials and challenges, but it yields the greatest reward of all: the realization of unconditional love. Twin Flames are here to augment the human experience with unconditional love. By having gone through this journey, they are able to understand the depths of both the human ego and unconditional love. They lead by example and spread unconditional love in a way that resonates with others.
As for our Spirit Guides, my Twin Flame and I each have our individual guides for this incarnation. However, my guide actually played a paternal role in a previous lifetime in Ancient Rome, where my Twin Flame and I were his children. So my guide intimately knows my Twin Flame, as well. Although he is not my Twin Flame’s primary guide for this lifetime, he serves on my Twin Flame’s spiritual guidance team.
2. Split Soul Twin Flames
This is the “traditional” type of Twin Flame, where at the soul’s birth there was one singular energy that split into two parts of the same soul. In this type of Twin Flame, the two parts of the soul can incarnate into two separate bodies.
This is where the feeling of incomplete or “unwholeness” stems from – there may be a yearning to find your literal other half. Because they are essentially the same soul, Split Soul Twin Flames share the same Higher Self and Spirit Guides.

Monadic vs Split Soul Twin Flames: What’s the Difference?
Learn the difference between monadic and split soul twin flames, including unique characteristics, soul histories, and dynamics. Discover which type you are and how to navigate your journey.
3. Starseed Twins
This type is not technically a true Twin Flame, but it shares many of the same principles and abilities as the other Twin Flame dynamics.
“Most Twin Flames in my experience are Starseeds, with many extra-terrestrial past lives who came to Earth on a mission to help humanity.” – Irina Nola, New Orleans Hypnosis.
In this scenario, the Twins have had incarnations together in other lifeforms than human. These lifeforms operate at a higher level where “group think” or “hive mind” is common. This shared telepathy and the previous incarnation from another lifeform creates a strong connection that mimics Twin Flames. While Twin Flames deal with two souls or half-souls, Starseeds often have multiple souls incarnated on Earth, so it’s more than just two individuals. When Starseeds meet, it’s filled with the same intensity and bond that traditional Twin Flames experience.
Additionally, many times they incarnate here with higher missions to assist humanity. Traditional Twin Flames also come here with a mission to support the greater good through their awakening, which unlocks the potential to spread unconditional love in the world – something that unfortunately not many people have experienced outside of the parent/child bond.
Credit: The Twin Flame types were outlined by Irina Nola, B.A. Psychology, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Past Life Regression Therapist, & Certified Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner of New Orleans Hypnosis.
How to Find Your Twin Flame Type
While not everyone has a Twin Flame or is incarnated on the active Twin Flame journey, there are a few ways to confirm which type of Twin Flame you are, if you are one.
- Trust your intuition. Your intuition is the one thing you can trust for valid answers. This can be amplified when practiced with meditation.
- Consider a Past Life Regression session with a certified practitioner. One who is experienced in answering these types of questions.
- Ask your Higher Self if it is also the Higher Self of your counterpart. Spirit will guide you if you ask. This can also be amplified when practiced with meditation.
The Goal of All Twin Flames
All types of Twin Flame relationships share the same purpose or mission, which is to raise the vibration by bringing unconditional love (or the evolved concept of universal love) to the world.
Technically, the goal of the Twin Flame journey – whether romantic or platonic – is to activate your mission of raising the world’s vibrations by bringing unconditional love into the world. It’s not necessary to be in union to do this.
The steps of a Twin Flame relationship start with that first meeting, there’s at least one separation period involved, the runner and chaser phase, reuniting into physical union, and surrendering. That’s if you’re 1. In a romantic dynamic with your Twin Flame and 2. Wanting to be with them (you do not have to be).
The goal of Twin Flames is not necessarily to have a “happily ever after” fairy tale life. In fact, it can often be the opposite, because it is only through the intense leaps and bounds of the Twin Flame journey that we are able to go deeper within ourselves — something that is required in order to fully encompass true unconditional love.
We know universal love at a depth that others may not be innately able to feel. The Twin Flame journey is challenging. It is painful. It pushes you beyond your comfort zone, to ultimately trigger a rebirth of sorts. This rebirth will lead to a greater understanding of the world, the activation of your soul’s purpose, and ultimately surrendering within your Twin Flame union.

Get the new book, Rebirth, based on the ‘Death of a Twin Flame’ story
Rebirth: The Spiritual Evolution that Reunited Two Souls is the true story of one Twin Flame’s journey to follow her late beloved’s promise of his return.
This book is for anyone who has lost their Twin Flame or Soulmate, and still feels connected. Get it now for under $15!
Related Reading:
- Death of a Twin Flame and Continuing the JourneyAfter a 13 year journey, I lost my Twin Flame in early 2021. Through a lot of soul searching, healing, and spiritual growth, I’ve been shown that my Twin will be back in this lifetime. Hey, stranger things have happened!
- Rebirth & Reunion After The Death of My Twin FlameWhen my Twin Flame passed, the connection did not fade. In fact, it grew even more prevalent. Even more shocking is the promise of a return. How can their soul return within the same lifetime? How can I be so sure?
- Types of Twin FlamesNot all Twin Flames are “one soul in two bodies” or share a Higher Self. Learn about the three types of Twin Flames: 1. Monadic Twin Flames, 2. Split Soul Twin Flames, and 3. Starseed Twins.
- 5-minute Universal Love Challenge for Twin FlamesTry this 5-minute “Universal Love” challenge for Twin Flames. Use this daily affirmation & meditation to live from a place of unconditional love.
- How to Grieve a Twin Flame: A Message to Twin Flame Widows/WidowersIf your twin flame has died, this message contains what you can expect, how to grieve and heal, and where to go from here.
- The Silver Cord that Connects Twin FlamesThe silver cord or astral cord tethers your higher self to your physical self. For Twin Flames, it is what binds and connects them forever.
What if the other person doesn’t believe in any of this but it is apparent that we are starseeds. I have Proof of it by him!
Hi Jennifer,
Even if he doesn’t share your beliefs, your connection to him is powerful. You’re steering the show more than you know! You can still do the work on your end, such as doing “shadow work” to ensure that you’ve illuminated any hidden issues or other things that may be getting mirrored back to you from him. Twin Flame meditations, where you focus on his and your higher selves, and do energy work (healing, Violet Flame visualizations, etc.) can also be helpful, even without their buy-in to it.
You could approach it without the pseudo-spiritual angle and show him through examples over time like, “Wow, isn’t it crazy that I was thinking about you, and then you called me?” To get him to realize that there’s something more powerful at play here. Eventually, it will be revealed to him in his own time. Sometimes the “runner” Twin Flame has to realize these things the hard way, through their experiences in the separation phase.
The Twin Flame journey requires a lot of individual effort for the betterment of the pair. That’s his purpose in your life: to provide the experiences needed for you to overcome, learn, or remember the lessons in unconditional love, so that you can then extend it out into the world. Perhaps there’s a reason why he’s choosing to not believe (i.e. something written in your soul contract), and there’s something in it for you to navigate life with a non-believer Twin. It would be a good question to ask your guide and/or higher self: What can you do to help open his heart & mind to these ideas? Or is it even necessary for that to happen to move forward?
Thank you for your comment!
– Lisa
I recently had an experience of joining with a very powerful light being, with so much love it was almost unbearable, but this being is in spirit. He came to collect me last year.
I have also experienced another joining with a light being who came to “get me” some months ago after calling me across the miles. He is a master on this plane.
Now it seems to me that I have two connections. One is a twin flame, (Monadic) and the other a soul connection. I love them both but not sure about the passionate connection with the I AM presence: have it for the soul connection. Is it possible to have these two come to me at almost the same time?
Hi Barbara. It’s entirely possible. The diagrams of Monadic soul groups produce tons of overlap, especially when we add in soulmate or other life path (karmic) connections. It seems many of us have been made aware of our Twin Flame and, at some point in the journey, we also become aware of a soulmate connection that we COULD choose to have a romantic relationship with. Or that the love for the two of them (even if it’s family or best friend level) rivals one another. We’re not always meant to “be with” our Twin Flame in a lifetime. The beauty of it is that the choice is YOURS to make. Our egos and humanity close us off to only know one love at a time or to have to rank the love we feel for others when, in reality, we have the capacity to tap into the infinite love for so many at once. Though, not at level of God or Source, but still… We are capable of so much more than we think. It’s beautiful that these two energies or light beings have made themselves “visible” to you. <3
Is it possible a TF would come to me in spirit 25 years after they passed? We never met in person. I never had any interest in twin flames until until now. It has set of a huge awakening for me. They say they have always been there but I wasn’t ready until now and there is a stillness.
Hi Sher. Yes, it’s very possible! The awesome thing about spirit is that the metaphysical world isn’t tied to the 4D dimension of Time like our physical universe is. Things can happen in different timing, or they wait until we’re at a stage in our life when we’re ready for it and can properly receive the message being communicated. At the end of the day, we are always tied and tethered to our spiritual selves and the spiritual energy of those we’ve formed bonds with throughout our life. If it’s still, don’t fret. Reach out. Things will become active again! All you have to do is ask. “Ask and you shall receive.”