Four years ago, my life changed forever when I got the news my twin flame had passed away. Gregory died on January 22, 2021. The numerology of the date, alone, holds significance and meaning. I could talk for hours about the way he passed: by an accidental overdose in his path on recovery, while his spirit was at a mental and emotional low. I could tell of the multiple instances of foreshadowing — events and situations that occurred in the weeks and months leading up to his death that should’ve triggered my attention that his passing was just around the corner — like the comment I made to him jokingly about his long hair, saying, “You should cut your hair… if you died, I don’t want my last memory of you looking like a pirate!” Or the necklace he gave me 48 hours before with a beautiful 12-leaf lotus and the inscripted theme of, “REBIRTH”.
Greg’s passing unlocked a massive spiritual awakening that sent me on a path of self-discovery, and healing across timelines. I experienced signs and synchronicities non-stop that were so relentless, I gave in one day and decided to try to meditate for the first time and see what came through. It was the most intense meditation I’ve ever had. I quickly realized that the more I raised my frequency, the more I increased my energetic resonance to more closely align with the high energy of his soul on the other side, the easier it was to reach him and the clearer he came through.
After the initial shock of his passing, I was confused because I wasn’t mourning him in grief as I should. Instead of feeling a gaping hole of loss and despair, somehow deep down I had the automatic knowing that focusing on the physical loss is not what was being asked of me. It was up to me to learn to disregard old programming and fables that one’s physical presence was more important than the metaphysical connection we share with them. I had to rebirth my view of myself, our relationship, and the very nature of life and death.
Doing this opened up a channel of universal love (what many would call “unconditional love”). I didn’t feel alone or abandoned by him. I felt his presence more than ever and could still progress in our journey together. I felt connected to a greater network of loving souls, in this world and the next. It sent me on a mission of education and research to connect with my spirit guides at the higher self level; to learn how to clear the blocks and use my natural psychic (energetic) skills to overcome 3D feelings of attachment to the material world and transcend to 5D consciousness, free from the fallacy of separation.
Along the way, I met many others who lost their twin flame partner. The question kept arising: What do I do now? How am I expected to go on when the person I was tethered to now exists only in Spirit?
The Loss of a Twin Flame: A Journey of Finding One’s Purpose
Losing a loved one is never easy, but the loss of a twin flame is a particularly unique and challenging experience.
Twin flames are two halves of the same soul, and their connection is said to be the strongest and most intense bond that two people can share. When one twin flame passes away, it can feel like losing a part of oneself.
The pain can be unbearable, and it can be difficult to imagine ever finding joy or meaning in life again. However, the loss of a twin flame can also be a catalyst for profound healing, growth, and self-discovery. It can be an opportunity to find one’s purpose in life and to live a more authentic and meaningful existence.
Finding Meaning After Loss
After the loss of a twin flame, it is common to feel lost and confused. You may wonder why this happened to you and what you are supposed to do now. You may feel like you have lost your direction in life. It is important to allow yourself time to grieve and to process your loss. Do not try to force yourself to feel a certain way or to move on before you are ready. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, and everyone experiences loss differently.
In the years since losing my twin flame, Gregory, I have been on a journey of healing and self-discovery. I have learned that the loss of a twin flame is not the end of the journey, but rather the beginning of a new chapter. It is an opportunity to find one’s purpose in life and to live a more authentic and meaningful existence.
I found my purpose in sharing my story of how my twin flame was coming back and telling about the events that unfolded on the path to finding my twin flame again in the blog: Death of a Twin Flame and Continuing the Journey. Determined to instill the powerful sense of connection I knew to be true, I created the first open forum for people who’ve lost their loved one to come together in the Twin Flame Grief Support Group. I connected with others whose loss catalyzed a greater sense of purpose and used their loss as an inspiration to do great things like lobby for change to Congress, found advocacy groups for critical health issues, and shift their line of work to healing and helping others. I’m passionate about explaining the mechanics of metaphysical connection and the importance of raising one’s frequency.
As you begin to heal, you may find that you are drawn to new activities, interests, or people. You may feel a renewed sense of purpose or a desire to make a difference in the world. This is a natural part of the healing process, and it is a sign that you are ready to start living your life again.
Communicating with Your Late Twin Flame’s Higher Self
One of the most comforting things you can do after the loss of a twin flame is to learn how to communicate with their higher self. Your twin flame’s higher self is their eternal soul, which is always connected to you. You can communicate with your twin flame’s higher self through meditation, prayer, or journaling. You may also receive signs or messages from them in your dreams or through synchronicities.
I have found that meditation is a powerful way to connect with my late twin flame’s higher self. When I meditate, I can feel his presence and I can hear his voice. He often gives me guidance and support, and he helps me to feel connected to him even though he is no longer physically here.
Here are two beginner meditations you can try:
- Get a Hug from Your Twin Flame: A Guided Meditation for Connecting with Your Loved One
- 5-minute Universal Love Meditation for Twin Flames
To raise your energetic frequency and communicate with your late twin flame’s higher self, you can do things like meditation, yoga, and spending time in nature. You can also listen to calming music, read inspiring books, or watch uplifting movies.
I studied the Map of Consciousness, which is based on research by Dr. David Hawkins to map a person’s energetic log to the states of consciousness and details how you can ascend to higher states of being.
As you raise your energetic frequency, you will become more attuned to the subtle signs and messages from your twin flame’s higher self.
What to Do After the Loss of Your Twin Flame
After the loss of a twin flame, it is important to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally. Make sure you are eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. You may also want to consider seeking professional help from a therapist or grief counselor.
It is also important to allow yourself to feel your emotions fully. Do not try to suppress your grief or to pretend that you are not hurting. It is okay to cry, to scream, or to be angry. It is also okay to laugh, to love, and to find joy in life again.
The loss of a twin flame is a devastating experience, but it can also be an opportunity for profound growth and transformation. It is a journey of finding one’s purpose in life and of living a more authentic and meaningful existence. If you have lost your twin flame, know that you are not alone. There are many people who understand what you are going through, and there are many resources available to help you heal.
Where to Look Next
There are many resources to help you after you’ve lost your twin flame to help understand what you’re experiencing and channel that into creating a sense of purpose in your life. Here are a few you can start with:
How to Grieve a Twin Flame: A Message to Twin Flame Widows/Widowers
If your twin flame has died, this message contains what you can expect, how to grieve and heal, and where to go from here. Read more
What Happens When Your Twin Flame Dies?
When one Twin Flame dies, the other is left in shock. It changes the direction of their life forever. Here’s what happen after the loss of your Twin Flame. Read more
Resources After Your Twin Flame Has Died
This page offers a list of resources, serving as an ultimate guide to the twin flame journey after the loss of a loved one, including answers to commonly asked questions. Read more
About the Author

My name is Lisa Arrington. All of my life, I’ve held a deep affinity for the metaphysical. The principle of connection and the embedding meanings found through these points of connection throughout our lives, hinting at the true nature of our existence, has always captivated me.
In 2016, I had a near-death experience after experiencing a medical trauma following the birth of my daughter. This set me on the path to prepare for the passing of my partner, who I’d later identify as my twin flame.
Knowing that there were others out there in similar situations but lacking quality information about this journey, I set out to share my story on this website, I published a book that tells of my twin flame relationship and the incredible journey of reuniting and continuing the twin flame mission, “Rebirth: The Spiritual Evolution that Reunited Two Souls”.
I hope that the information on this website is helpful to you in your journey of healing and growth.