Why do Planets & Moon Cycles matter?

Do planets affect us? How can the position of Jupiter or a full moon impact us?

Stars, planets and the cosmos affect us via magnetic signals. When these celestial bodies are in certain positions, the affect is amplified.

According to astrophysicists and people who study cosmic magnetism, stars and planets affect us via magnetic signals. Planetary positions don’t force us to do anything. It’s not a black and white cause-and-effect situation. It’s a matter of influence: the subtle effects from the planet’s natural energy. Because yes, even planets billions of miles away put off energy.

We feel the sun’s every day. The sun can influence (not cause) our mood and mindset to be a certain way, which drive our behaviors. A period of cloudy, dreary weather without the UV light can insight Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in some people, for instance. Why would it be any different in how the other planets affect us?

Saturn, Ruler of Time and Karma
SATURN – Saturn is all about time and karmic debt: Authority, discipline, hard work, labor, commitment. As well as guilt, resistance, and delay. In contrast, where Saturn limits, Jupiter brings expansive relief. Jupiter can inspire an expansion to break free of old the expected and go beyond the arbitrary restrictions we’ve created for ourselves.

Our bodies are comprised of water and elements that are subject to the natural energies around us. Our brains literally depend on electrical pulses to function. Magnetism and energy both impact electricity. Gravity and the orbit of gigantic planets can impact water.

It’s not as black and white as to assume that horoscopes are correct and should drive our lives. It’s also not correct to assume that what’s happening around us in space has NO impact on us. Nothing in the universe is that cut and dry.

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