This post is Part 3 in the “Death of a Twin Flame” series. Read Part 1: Death of my Twin Flame & Promise of a Return and Part 2: Twin Flame Rebirth & Reunion of the story.
I was hesitant to write about my experiences with the person that came into my life after the death of my Twin Flame. My guides were cautioning me to hold off and I wanted to ensure they were not a “False Flame”. Things with this person picked up where my Twin Flame and I left off in terms of the cycles to be broken, trauma to be healed, and karmic baggage to be let go of. It is five days until the 1 year anniversary of my Twin Flame’s death. After six months with this new person, I’m ready to share the story.
Shortly after my Twin Flame’s death in January 2021, I received the message that I would get to continue the Twin Flame journey in this lifetime. At first, I shrugged it off as my mind’s way of dealing with the denial stage of grief.
I didn’t doubt that it very well may be possible for another part of my Twin Flame to “activate” or incarnate within another person in the form of a walk-in soul encounter. I did doubt that I would be so lucky as to experience another powerful connection with someone who was not them. Could it really be realistic to expect not one, but two Twin Flame-like relationships in this lifetime?
Over time, I received undeniable proof of this promise through intuition, synchronicities, odd phenomena such as wild lens flare photos, messages from the psychically inclined, and so much more. I slowly began allowing myself to believe that it was possible, regardless of how it came to be; to not doubt God and the universe; to surrender to the process and fully trust that what’s mine will never pass me by. I worked hard to remove perceptual limitations, break old cycles, heal things within myself, and accept that the impossible was possible.
After going all in and setting my intentions in early July, by the end of the month the universe fulfilled its promise and brought someone into my life with that same strong soul connection to get the ball rolling again along my Twin Flame journey. I had met the person I was waiting for.
To get to this point, it’s important to understand the role that my late Twin Flame played in my life.
What happened after my Twin Flame died?
After his death in January 2021, I immediately began receiving signs, synchronicities, and messages. I was catapulted on a path of spiritual renewal. I felt an energetic window open and experienced:
- a stronger connection to him,
- hyperactive intuition and psychic abilities,
- repeating signs, messages, and synchronicities, and
- amplified spirit communication with my guides.
Learn more about what to expect and what happens if your twin flame dies.
Learning to trust the process: Confirmation from others
Two months after his my twin flame’s death, I got better at picking out his energy. I could tell when his presence was with me. But I still couldn’t help but have that creeping doubt that maybe this was in my head or that my mind was playing tricks on me from the grief. I had to learn to trust the process — to trust that what I was receiving was real.
When messages started to come through to me from other people, it gave me validation that what I was experiencing was credible. Sometimes, messages would come from people that he and I knew. Sometimes, it’d be from people who he had no connection to. This made it even more strange when I got texts or calls from the people who didn’t know him, but who intuitively knew he was coming through to them with a message for me.
I’ll never forget one of the messages my late Twin Flame sent me through a friend.
He said, “I’m going to show you some things.”
What a mysterious message! I couldn’t wait to see what he had in store for me.
On one evening, while I was sitting out on the porch enjoying the night sky, I felt his energy lessen, as if his energy had left and was “visiting” someone else. Out of nowhere, my long-lost friend reached out via Facebook Messenger and began sending voice clips. I hadn’t spoken to her in years at that point and she had no knowledge of my situation, other than that I had recently lost a loved one. She was channeling an energy that I immediately recognized to be my twin flame’s and was delivering messages with content that she could not have known was relevant to me and my twin flame. This convinced me that the information was coming from spirit.
I was blown away by this confirmation. It wasn’t just me, it wasn’t in my head–these were things that others were receiving, too.
From that point on, I allowed myself to believe that what I was experiencing was real. That’s when things really ramped up and life opened up on a new level.
Allowing my Twin Flame to Guide Me
Signs, messages, and synchronicities began to appear everywhere immediately after my twin flame died. At first, like many people experiencing an awakening, I thought I was losing it and shied away from what I was receiving. When the thoughts and messages didn’t stop, I began journaling, screenshotting, and documenting everything and carefully evaluated how it was affecting me.
From seeing hearts and letters in the clouds (I even saw my name clearly written in cursive!), to noticing repeating numbers like 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 12:12, and 12:21 at meaningful moments, to observing abnormal solar lens flares and light, every day, I’d see something new. I’d capture photos of bizarre light flares, or receive a message – sometimes as small as a funny joke, a smart aleck comment, or just a song coming on the radio that didn’t quite fit and played at the right time to bring a smile to my face.
I kept my Twin Flame close to my heart and would receive these “messages” throughout the day. I was being intuitively guided to explore my energetic abilities and go further in the spiritual awakening.
Everything was in place and I could clearly see how all the pieces were fitting together, building for something greater. I took it as an alignment to my higher calling for this life. I was grounded in the feeling of unconditional love and faith as my anchors.
The things I was experiencing were all very positive and uplifting. The impacts were all positive: I was handling my Twin Flame’s death in a positive way. I felt less stressed and anxious than I had for months prior to that. I was more in tune with myself and the world around me.
Using Meditation to Connect with my Twin Flame
Meditation, which I was new to at the time, was transcendental without effort. I was able to clearly communicate with my guides and utilize my Claire senses, including my third eye, astral projection, and lucid dreaming. It was clear that my late Twin Flame’s death had strengthened my connection to things on the astral/etheric planes.
However, it was still difficult to accept such a seemingly impossible idea to be true. Could my Twin Flame really return and we would find one another again? I used meditation to get answers to these questions.
Setting the Intention to Find Him Again
Six months after my Twin Flame’s death, I was ready to set the intention to fully trust – and I mean fully, with no reservations, no shadow traits or ego holding me back – whatever the universe had next for me.
I had worked hard to heal things in myself, pay close attention to the signs and messages life was giving me, and do my part to ensure no barriers for entry existed. I recognized the divine powers at work and allowed myself to fully believe it to be possible was critical for it to come into fruition.
Two weeks after setting this intention, I met my “new” twin flame for the first time.
Enter, my “New” Twin Flame
At the end of July 2021, a new person had come crashing into my life, just as my intuition and messages I was receiving had suggested would happen. The circumstances around it and the sheer power within our connection made it undeniable that meeting them was part of either my soul contract or divine plan.
It all began with a Facebook message. I did not know this person and the only mutual friend we shared just so happened to be my late Twin Flame’s colleague, which made finding him even more strange!
But life never truly blindsides us. There are always signs or hints that we usually don’t see until it’s in retrospect. A situation of foreshadowing proved that these series of events were connected:
A few months prior, on March 12, 2021 at 12:00 a.m. (Note the numerology), I had a random Facebook interaction with another person. I felt a strange shift in the energy. I could feel my Twin Flame’s energy was present. Not as a ghost or anything of this world, but on the higher, metaphysical level. When suddenly, my Twin Flame felt farther away like there was a disruption or noise in our connection that made it difficult to infer. Next thing I know, I heard the “ding” of my Facebook notification. It was a message from the random foreshadower person, whose profile had many synchronicities like important dates and names that crossed my life to confirm they were part of this journey. I ended up interacting with this person on a few occasions, knowing that there was a lesson to be learned through the experience.
[It’s important to note this experience, because I’ve talked with many Twin Flame widows/widowers who will often leap at the first sign of a person who shares anything remotely similar to their late loved one, when in fact, these people are merely messengers sent to deliver a message, help us learn a lesson, or other action needed to build us up for the real thing. This is why the inner work is a MUST before taking on this endeavor. Otherwise, it’s too easy for our hearts and ego to fool us into the wrong direction, and we may miss life’s great miracle for us.]
Fast-forward to this new person, and it too began as a random Facebook encounter. I can’t help but see the March event as an act of foreshadowing.
With this in mind that perhaps this was confirmation that I was heading in the right direction, I left my comfort zone and decided to meet this person for drinks. It was an immediate bond, like we had known the other in another life and were picking up where we left off.
While I don’t go into detail of meeting this person or how the relationship unfolded in this article, I share the full story in my book, “Rebirth: The Spiritual Evolution that Reunited Two Souls.”

Rebirth: The Spiritual Evolution that Reunited Two Souls is the true story of what happened when one Twin Flame experienced the death of her counterpart and the wild journey that followed when she realized their time together was far from over.
Based on the “Death of a Twin Flame” blog series, Rebirth explores navigating life after the loss of such a powerful soul connection, with first-hand experience of phenomena like soul merges, energy channeling, and walk-in encounters. See how we are never truly separated and always bounded by the frequency of love.
How do I know this person is my Twin Flame?
There are countless things that confirm this is the promise fulfilled, but the biggest confirmation that it is the extension of my Twin Flame journey that I’ve been waiting for is our connection.
You know how when you hug your significant other, versus when you hug your mother/father or anyone else, it just feels different? Imagine that, but with an energetic soul connection rather than a physical sensation. I am certain that this person is part of what I’ve been promised, because the connection is just as strong than it was with my late Twin Flame. Deep down, I know that it is the same, but also different (“same, same; but different”).
What’s crazier is that I had a reality-bending soul merge experience with my new counterpart, who was filling the role to progress my Twin Flame journey. We hadn’t even known each other for a full 2-3 months, yet I was able to have an authentic divine experience with them. It really speaks to the power of an open-hearted soul connection.
Twin Flame Soul Merge: Entering into 5D Union
A first-hand account of entering into full spiritual alignment with a Twin Flame, an experience also known as soul merge or soul fusion.
While co-creation and manifestation played a role in the fulfillment of this promise and finding my new mate, I am convinced that I only found them because of how I approached things.
I witnessed things throughout the period leading up to finding him that were small miracles on their own – each one was building up to what I knew in my heart was coming. I was not manifesting things, as much as I was preparing myself and making the adjustments to bring things to the state needed for God to make this final act occur.
The following actions and perspectives helped me to find my twin flame again, including:
- Allowing myself to believe that what I was being promised was possible.
- The removal of old beliefs and limitations.
- Healing old wounds, shedding patterns, and breaking karmic cycles.
- Practicing transcendental meditation and Reiki energy sessions.
- Getting to know my spirit guide and sharpening my communication skills.
- Conducting past life regression therapy to better understand my Twin Flame’s role to this point and how previous encounters have shaped my current incarnation.
- Understanding my role as “co-creator,” but also respecting the divine nature of what I was experiencing.
- Living from a place of unconditional love every day.
By accepting the challenge to achieve “the impossible”; to trust what God, my guides, and the universe was giving me; to believe that I’d be granted another shot at such a powerful relationship, I knew that I was welcoming another potential roller coaster of a relationship. If you’re reading this, you’re likely in a Twin Flame relationship yourself. You know that this route is not easy, too.
Looking back at how my late Twin Flame had affected me and helped shape my life, I knew I wanted what I had. I wanted the same relationship, the same love, the same challenges and successes that I had before. Despite the intensity of what I was asking for, I accepted the challenge to find my twin flame’s energy again with open arms, fearlessly and whole-heartedly.
Will Your Twin Flame Reincarnate or Walk-in in this Life?
Not everyone’s late Twin Flame may return within this lifetime or, if they do, they may not incarnate as another romantic connection. My guides were very clear on the fact that the reason I would be receiving this gift (the return of a close soul bond who I could continue the Twin Flame mission with) is because it was essential for my soul’s life path. It was necessary for achieving whatever it is I set out in this lifetime to do.
If you’ve lost your twin flame, know that it is your choice on whether to believe and pursue this type of relationship again. Due to the nature of our souls, we do have the ability to return to earth, whether through an incarnation, a walk-in soul, or energy channeling. If you choose to conclude your twin flame relationship after your partner passes away, you can still access and work with their energy while they’re in spirit.
Here’s more on If Your Twin Flame Will Come Back.
Twin Flames are Never Separated: Always Together in Spirit
Twin Flames do not both need to be incarnated in the same lifetime in order to interact with one another. This is because they are bound by an unbreakable silver cord and possess heightened psychic gifts, such as telepathy, precognition, remote viewing, rapid manifestation, clairvoyance, transcendental meditation, spirit communication, past life recall, and other extrasensory perception (ESP) skills.
Since these abilities are energetic in nature, they do not require a physical presence in order to be utilized, and Twin Flames are able to carry out their mission even when their counterpart is not in incarnated within the same lifetime as the other.
Twin Flames are the epitome of parallel souls, by definition. The traditional definition of Twin Flames is one soul, two bodies. This concept sets the premise that YES, a person’s soul can reside in the “5D” Spirit Realm and simultaneously live a physical life here (since our spirit bodies exist outside of space and time), and also have another part or “fragment” of their soul exist on earth.
Sometimes, one Twin Flame will stay back in the 5D spirit realm and serves as a spiritual helper. They act kind of like a spiritual lookout, giving support and guidance to the Twin Flame who’s here on earth throughout their physical 3D incarnation.
In Conclusion
We really don’t know much about the true inner workings of Twin Flame and deep soul connections (not in a 100% proven, concrete way, at least). We do know that Twin Flames operate at a level of complexity that we will never even begin to fully understand in our human form.
I’m here to tell you: Don’t underestimate the infinite possibilities that is our reality. Your Twin Flame will never leave you high and dry. We are always connected to one another and always capable of tapping into that connection. Continue to believe in the impossible and take note of how life is going to awe you.
Love and light.