The Silver Cord connects you to your higher self from the Solar Plexus Chakra, which is positioned closely to the Heart Chakra and passes energy through the heart space.
What is the Silver Cord?
The silver cord, also known as the astral cord, is what tethers your higher self in the spiritual plane to your physical self here in the material world. The silver cord connects your physical body to your etheric body, and up through your astral body.

The silver cord has even been mentioned in the Bible:
⁶ Remember your Creator now while you are young, before the silver cord of life snaps and the golden bowl is broken. Don’t wait until the water jar is smashed at the spring and the pulley is broken at the well. ⁷ For then the dust will return to the earth, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.
Ecclesiastes 12:6
The Silver Cord in Twin Flames
Twin Flames, also called Twin Souls, share this cord and are forever connected through it, similar to the constellation of Pisces, which shows two fish swimming in opposite directions, but forever bound together by the silver cord (in astrology, the cord in Pisces is referred to as the golden thread).
“The relationship of twin flames is often characterized by the incredible, as well as an immutable connection which ties them together on their spiritual plane, pulling them towards one another by their heart chakra, which is close to the solar plexus. Such a connection is usually called ‘silver cord.’
The twin flame silver cord spiritual connection provides a link through which twin flames can share energy, both in order to fulfil their spiritual journey together and to find each other in the first place.”
Source: Conscious Reminder
The Twin Flame silver cord is eternal and impossible to break. This is how Twin Flames remain connected during separation, including if a Twin Flame dies or if only one Twin is incarnated on Earth.
While cord cutting is a helpful practice to break bonds with people at the soul level, you cannot cut the silver cord to your Twin Flame. Since Twin Flames share the same silver cord, your Twin’s cord is your cord, and you cannot cut your own cord. Or in the case of monadic Twin Flames, who may not share cords, chakra systems, or higher selves, the divinity of a Twin Flame silver cord is absolute, infinite, and protected by the principles of the Universe.