After an NDE and medically-induced coma, I was caught in a loop where I woke up on the same day multiple times in alternate realities.
On August 27, 2016, I awoke from a medically induced coma after having a Near Death Experience (NDE). Later that day, I fell asleep and woke back up only to find that it was the morning of August 27—again. I re-lived this day multiple times in different ways in an phenomenon that I can only describe as timeline hopping.
My consciousness had been displaced from an NDE and my soul was bouncing from reality to reality to find its way back to the right timeline. Every time I fell asleep, I’d wake back up and it’d be the morning of August 27 again. Each time was different from the last. There were differences in people’s personalities, actions, and the events that unfolded. I remember at least six iterations of this same day, but there are more than that my memory didn’t retain.
As soon as I’d come to, I could instinctively tell that something was amiss – that it was not the reality that I was used to – and that was a strange feeling. It was a literal Groundhog Day experience, but with something much bigger going on at the spiritual level.

The Backstory: Leading Up to the NDE
In 2016, after the birth of my daughter, I had post-partum complications from an undetected uterine bleed. It led to issues including liver failure, kidney failure, DVT, blood clots, blood infections, sepsis and more. My family was told to say their goodbyes, and I was intubated and placed in a medically induced coma to slow the damage and make my death more comfortable. My husband went against the advice of my doctors and life-flighted me to an out-of-state hospital, the University of Virginia at Charlottesville (UVA) Hospital, where I was saved. Almost immediately upon arriving at UVA, they identified the bleed that was causing so much mayhem and performed surgery to fix it.
Coincidentally, UVA is one of the only recognized establishments that studies experiences like NDEs in their Division of Perceptual Studies. I didn’t learn this until years later while watching the Netflix docuseries, “Surviving Death”. My arrival to UVA itself was due to a series of miraculous events. It just so happened that my husband’s aunt worked as an O.R. nurse in the exact department that I needed to transfer into. That is how I ended up at UVA of all places, despite having three nationally-acclaimed hospitals within 30-minutes of where I was.
To paint a picture of the critical condition of my body, here are some of the things I endured before being intubated (aka put on life support):
Liver failure | E. coli infection |
Kidney failure | Sepsis |
Dialysis | Blood transfusions |
Fluid in lungs and stomach | Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome |
C-section | Dual uterine artery embolization |
Uterine bleed | Exploratory surgery |
DVT blood clots |

Since I was so close to dying, I had an NDE. My consciousness left my body and I became trapped in a time loop trying to find my way back. I was totally lucid and am able to recall my journey back to the right reality or timeline.
While unconscious, I was having wildly vivid dreams and otherworldly experiences that were beyond time and space. This is interesting when you consider that a medically induced coma is designed to reduce brain activity almost to a standstill. I was able to disseminate between what was a medication-induced dream versus what was real. The most memorable of these experiences involved a “glitch in the matrix”, where I was stuck in a time loop re-living the same day over and over again.
Living the Same Day: Multiple Times, Multiple Realities
Alternate Reality #1
In one timeline, I may had been awake for a couple of days because I was able to eat lunch (when a patient wakes from being in a coma for so long, they have to be cleared to eat solid food safely). Soon after, I began vomiting violently and the ICU staff panicked.
Doctors rushed in and performed an emergency procedure to intubate me again while I was still conscious. I remember my husband sitting next to the bed while they did this and he said, “Yeah, she doesn’t like that” (I was unable to speak for myself).
The lunch I had eaten earlier was coming up and I recognized it not from that day, but from another timeline I had lived in before. That was the craziest part and when I realized that the events of this day were overlapping. Some events, I was living over in repeat. Not every timeline was different enough to disseminate as distinct or unique, so I may have experienced many more times than I remember.
The events of this reality were traumatizing. I passed out after that, exhausted from what transpired. The next time I’d wake up, it would be the morning of August 27, 2016… again.

Death Tracks: Given the choice to die
Before the timeline hopping sequence started, I encountered a presence that encouraged me to die. This voice and its energy attempted to convince me that it was alright if I wanted to opt out of this harder path. “You can let go,” it said. “Everyone will understand. No one would blame you.”
I was being given the opportunity to die. The option was right infront of me. All I’d have to do was make the choice,

I dubbed this voice the “death track” because it kept playing like a track on repeat urging me to submit to its process of dying. Like when I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, I immediately knew it was not something of purity or divinity, but rather of evil and malice. It scared me because I did not know who or what was trying to lure me in. It didn’t feel like the devil (but then again, would it if it really was him?). In this non-physical realm of darkness, I maneuvered away from the light at the end of that tunnel through the power of intention. By refueling my intention to live, my soul found safety from the trickery and deception.
My reaction to witnessing the “death track” was similar to a fight-or-flight, life-or-death response, but my goal was not to survive as a human. It was to protect my soul. I knew that my soul was still tethered to this life by a sense of deep purpose; on the mission that it had set out to fulfill when I was born.
It’s difficult to decipher the order of events since this was all outside of linear time. But I do know that the “death tracks” and “timeline hopping” were connected. Though, I am still working through in what ways they are related exactly.
Alternate Reality #2
Keep in mind, this was the first day waking up from being in a coma for almost a week. Every time I woke up that morning, I was waking up for the “first time” from my family’s perspective. But from my perspective, I had already lived this moment multiple times. I even knew the first words that my husband would say to me when he saw me open my eyes.
I’d had the opportunity to say different things upon waking. I tried to think of different things to say to bring it to my husband’s attention to what was happening to me and that, somehow, he would be able to help. I was so tired of having to re-live the same chain of events of the same day over and over again—waking up for the first time, my family’s response, my husband being so excited to show me pictures of my daughter (while this was happening, she was in NICU at a hospital in another state), waiting hours for time to pass until I fell asleep again for it to start over and for me to try again to escape the loop.
By this point, I was out of patience. So when my husband looked to me and said, “Hey beautiful” after he saw that I was awake, my response was rushed. “We’ve already had this conversation,” I blurted out. I felt bad because I could see in his face that he was so relieved and happy that I had survived, but I was not returning his loving sentiment. I was attempting to alert him to what I was experiencing, but this was impossible. He wasn’t in the loop that I was. I was alone in this experience.
Alternate Reality #3
On at least one occasion, I was able to break out of the loop and make it to the next day, August 28, 2016. This was short-lived and I’d soon wake up to the morning of August 27, 2016 again, put right back into the loop. This was still a success—a proverbial “light at the end of the tunnel,” if you will. I could feel that I was getting closer and closer to the right iteration of my life.
The experience began to have an impact on my psyche. Not being able to trust what day I’d land on each time I woke up made me terrified of falling asleep, knowing I’d have to re-live this loop, and that was exhausting (on top of recovering physically from being so close to death just days prior).
Alternate Reality #4, 5 and 6
My aunt is a nurse and a devout Catholic. She visited me in the hospital and, while I didn’t get to spend any real time with her because I was still in such bad shape, I recall the events of her being there. I experienced at least three timelines in which my aunt was talking with an ICU nurse about my state:
1. The nurse came in to change IV tubes and perform her usual duties. My aunt struck up a conversation with her, asking things like if I had made it through the night without certain things happening (TMI). She corrected the ICU nurse on a term they used and said, “That’s the word we use for it in the Catholic hospital.” It’s as if she was one-upping the nurse to show off her medical prowess. This was not like my aunt, who is a smart, but extremely kind person. I immediately detected that this person was not my aunt. She continued to take point of my medical needs, outranking the nurses and overtaking their duties.
2. In the second iteration of this, my aunt was dorky and geeky, but still had the same traits that I knew. She wasn’t as confident in her statements and allowed the ICU nurses to do their job, only asking questions here or there. Her physical demeanor was unlike her usual self, and I immediately picked up on this.
3. The third timeline was closer to what I knew as real. My aunt was a perfect combination of competent and polite. She got along well with the nursing staff and participated in my medical care without over-doing it. I didn’t see as much of her in this timeline, though. In fact, I saw her the least in this one and mainly heard her while I was asleep/unconscious.
Plot Twist: My aunt did come to visit me in the hospital, but I had not yet regained consciousness. I was still in a medically induced coma on the day she visited me. But in the alternate versions I experienced, I thought I was awake. Perhaps I was only observing from an “out of body” state? It seems that each iteration was one step closer to actuality. Like a progression.
Since my consciousness was outside of time, technically these realities were occurring simultaneously. It is difficult for my human mind to comprehend the true order that these timelines unfolder, and the order of them often shifts in my memory.
Imagining Reality as a Bubble—Bumping, Merging and Shifting

Consider our reality as a bubble. There are many other bubbles adjacent to this one and they are all in motion bumping into, merging with, and breaking off from one another.
This is how it was possible for my soul to have a hard time pin-pointing the exact place in space/time to return to.
Realities Merge Together like when Black Holes Collide

Another way to think of parallel timelines or alternate realities is to consider the patterns we see in space. The universe displays the same patterns, large and small, across its major functions. From human behavior to the ebb and flow of reality. Enter, black holes.
Black holes can collide and merge together. The two separate black holes blend and become one new black hole. There is no trace of their previous existence as two separate entities. Only the new combined black hole is viewed as “real” at that point.
Reality may work in the same way, where sister realities exist right on the edge of this one. The more similar a reality is to this one, the closer it will be. The farther away a reality is, the more different it from this one. If you continue outward far enough, eventually reality will be completely foreign.
Traveling from Timeline to Timeline
I recall what it felt like for my consciousness to enter into a new body or timeline. It was a surreal feeling. I remember wondering if my soul was having trouble finding the right timeline to settle into. I wasn’t scared or hesitant in this moment since I wasn’t thinking with my human brain, clouded by doubt or fear. My cognition was occurring at the metaphysical level, beyond space or time. These were my soul’s thoughts.
I don’t recall what it visually looked like while in-between bodies. It was more of a sense of clairvoyance. The feeling of entering my new body in a timeline that wasn’t the one I knew is something I’ll never forget. The transition from spirit into my body was a familiar feeling, like I had done this before. But what wasn’t familiar was the immediate sense that something was off. My soul knew it was not from that particular timeline. I felt like an alien in a foreign place. The people and my surroundings were familiar enough to look like home, but everything about it felt off. It’s like I innately knew that my soul had been calibrated for a different version of reality and did not belong where it was. My will to live was driven by an overwhelming motivation to get back to my timeline.
The hospital before I transferred to UVA had left me in a bout of fear and trauma. I was convinced that they were trying to kill me. That may be a strong statement, but they certainly weren’t trying to keep me alive. Add to that, waking up to see familiar faces but instinctively knowing that your loved ones were not the people you knew and loved. They were, but they weren’t. The series of events that led up to make them who you’ve grown to know and love were different, making them “different people,” so to speak. It felt alienating and, for some moments, unsafe. I knew that I didn’t belong and needed to find a way back to my time.
The Impact on my Spirit
By the time I finally landed in my body in this current reality, my spirit was exhausted. It had been confusing to see family members not acting right in the previous iterations and was terrifying to know I wasn’t in the right place. It had gotten to the point where I was scared to fall back asleep. I knew that I’d have to endure another round of this all over again, when all I wanted to do was to be “home” and finally get rest. Every time I woke back up on the 27th, I’d have to wait anywhere from 4 to 24 hours for the reset to happen.
It was terrifying to not know when I’d be able to exit this never-ending cycle and make it to the next day. It was also unnerving to not be able to trust the reality you were experiencing.
Can you imagine waking up in a new environment with no conscious recollection of how you got there? Where all you had to go on as your reality up to that point was an imprint of a wild dream of being transferred to this hospital, which you knew was from your mind creating imagery of the events it heard happening outside of it?
Through all of this, I never questioned my sanity. I somehow knew that what I was witnessing was not a matter of mental stability, but rather my soul’s placement. The phenomenon was beyond my physical body, and so insanity or losing my grip on reality mentally was not what was happening.
What Caused the Timeline-Hopping aka Time Loops?
Since this all happened back in 2016, I’ve had time to reflect and process what I went through. I am convinced that what I was going through that day was my soul trying to find its way back to the correct reality, timeline, and body. (Perhaps it had been displaced from visiting my soul family in the non-physical realm that so many NDE survivors tell of.)

If my soul detected that the timeline I landed in wasn’t the right fit, it detached from that body and moved onto a different reality/timeline. This process repeated until finally finding the right one. That is what resulted in multiple “Groundhog day” experiences.
This timeline hopping was just one of many surreal experiences surrounding my NDE. Other experiences included vivid dreams that weren’t quite dreams but not fully vested in reality, as well as seeing a false white light. As in “the light” that many people speak of when telling of their NDE.
Lasting Questions
The experience leaves me with questions like:
When I entered into a new body, was I displacing my existing consciousness that had resided there previously? Was my soul pushing out another part of my soul, shoving it into the ethereal abyss?
Did the soul that was in that body get repressed when my consciousness took over? Or were there two consciousnesses within that same body, but I am only aware and able to remember this one?
Are these alternate timelines just empty shells of reality that play in the background, where no soul or consciousness is connected to it?
Is there one dominant timeline that counts for a soul’s consciousness? Or does a soul exist in fragments, living within multiple bodies across every timeline to make up the aggregate experience?
Shifting Timelines to Create Your Reality
It is possible for us to shift timelines and manifest the path we choose. This example of timeline hopping demonstrates how that may be possible. It happens without us being conscious of it, of course, though those who are deeply connected may be able to detect it in their hearts.
It has taken me 6 years to share this story due to the sheer magnitude of it. After seeing the Netflix “Surviving Death” series, I knew that it had to be told, regardless of whether or not people understood or believed it. I believe in soul contracts and that we go through events that are predetermined to ensure life unfolds in a certain way for us. So I often wonder why I went through this. More importantly, why do I remember it?
There are a few more experiences from my time at UVA that I hope to share in the future. Immediately upon arriving home, I jotted down notes of the many dreams and things I witnessed. While it’s impossible for me to prove real versus dream, it’s something that I know to be true from the very depths of my soul. I know what I was truly experiencing, versus what was just my mind’s way of coping with the heavy medication and trauma.
I’ve experienced additional things that have blown my mind about reality, including an unprovoked “soul merge” with someone. Read about it in the article: Twin Flame Soul Merge: Entering the 5D.
Have you had an experience with multiple timelines? Share it in the comments below.
Twin Flame Soul Merge: Entering into 5D Union
A first-hand account of entering into full spiritual alignment with a Twin Flame, an experience also known as soul merge or soul fusion.