Get a Hug from Your Twin Flame: A Guided Meditation for Connecting with Your Loved One

Many of us miss our Twin Flame and the comfort only a hug can bring. Though you can’t physically feel their embrace right now, this simple meditation will allow you to feel their love and get that much-needed cosmic hug.

If you’re like me, your Twin Flame has died but you still feel a spiritual connection to them. And sometimes, all we really want to make us feel better is a hug.

For Valentine’s Day, I felt called to share a quick and easy meditation for connecting with your loved one. It’s a quick 8-minute meditation for all experience levels. Follow the tips and advice for best results to leave the meditation with your love tank full!

The point of this session is to help you feel comforted and deeply connected to your Twin Flame, no matter how long ago they passed away or what kind of terms you two were on last. (Your Twin Flame doesn’t have to be dead… This can work for people who are still in the 3D material world, too.) This meditation bypasses all of that — all the surface level, material world, ego-driven things — and connects you at the Higher Self. It has nothing to do with ghosts or earthly things.

The method of visualizing the white light of protection and chakra alignment helps get you in a receptive state where you’ll feel the energetic embrace of your loved one throughout your body! It will leave you feeling loved, assured, and ready to face the world this Valentine’s Day.

Watch the Guided Meditation

Watch it on YouTube:

Tips for Best Results

For the best chance of connecting with your Twin Flame and getting your hug:

  • Lay down. I find it’s easier to connect at deeper levels when laying down on a solid surface (like the floor) than in a sitting position.
  • Turn your phone on Silent mode.
  • Turn off the lights and ensure the room is dim to improve the definition of third eye, closed-eye visuals.
  • Check your expectations at the door, meaning clear any expectation of what you might see, feel, or experience.
  • Allow yourself to be fully open and receptive to whatever and however your loved one’s love comes through (Don’t worry about spiritual hijacking or anything malicious… We’ll ask for our guide to only allow things of the highest vibration and pure intent to come through, as well as utilize white light protection.)
  • Stay in the breathing and intention setting stages for 5-10 minutes. This is to allow enough time for your brain to get closer to a Theta wave length state, which is ideal for expanded consciousness and spiritual experiences.
Theta waves are the most effective for a transcendent experience.

Instructions for Doing it Yourself

Here are the written steps you can follow to do this meditation:

1. Close your eyes. Get comfy. And breathe.

Take a deep breath in through your nose. Breathe all the way down into your belly, like an infant whose belly rises when they breathe. Not into your chest.

There are many benefits to this style of breathing, including the stimulation of the vagus nerve, one of the primary nerves in your parasympathetic nervous system that’s responsible for your gut-brain connection.

2. Set your intention and get permission.

We set the intention to connect with our Twin Flame at the highest level. Ask your Higher Self’s permission to receive. Then, ask your Twin Flame’s Higher Self’s permission.

3. Call in white light protection.

Imagine a divine, white light of protection extending around your body.

Here is a mantra you can use for calling this in:

“I ask that the white light fill and surround me, completely cleansing and purifying my mind, body, and spirit. Protect me, allowing the pure Divine guidance of my Guides, Angels and Archangels to flow through and yet, block out any and all negativity, lower vibrational energy or entities.” (Source: Yoga by Veda)

4. Chakra activation to align your energy with theirs

Your partner being in Spirit means they’re on a much higher frequency. The frequency of Love is the easiest way for us to reach a state that’s receptive to their energy.

As you deepen your breath and begin to connect, notice the energy in your chakras activating:

First, the root chakra at the base of your spine. Then, the sacral chakra near your navel. Your solar plexus, up through your heart and higher heart chakras. Feel the energy pass through your throat chakra, and next to the space between your eyes — the third eye chakra. It might feel tingly or ticklish, or you may feel nothing at all. That is OK. Finally, we’re activating your crown chakra and bringing this energy into alignment.

5. Call in your Twin Flame

With your chakras activated, visualize your body floating in a sphere of white light. You’re moving upwards towards the plane of your Twin Flame’s Higher Self.

If you’re having trouble connecting, bring to mind a memory that evokes unconditional love. It could be anything from the first time you kissed to remembering the unique way they smiled. When you feel the love radiating through your body, you’re ready to bring your Twin Flame to mind.

Now it’s time to call them in. With their permission, we bring them to mind. Take a moment to envision them. See how they look. The look in their eyes. The feeling it brings you. If there’s any sadness or grief, that is OK. Allow yourself to feel through it. Don’t let your ego manipulate the emotion by telling you it’s not OK to be sad or let your rational mind try to write it off.

6. Opening a channel of communication at the Heart

With your Twin Flame in your mind’s eye, you’re now facing one another in an open space, surrounded by the white light.

A vibrant green ray of light extends from their heart space to yours, connecting you through space and time. They’re sending you their energy of love, and you’re connected so that you can send them yours.

This is where you can feel their embrace. There is an energetic sensation around your body in the material 3D world as you continue to visualize and receive. You may even feel like you’re getting a huge hug!

If you feel nothing at all, that is OK. You may be receiving this energy in another way, or getting an energy download. Know that whatever you’re experiencing is perfect and everything you need for this moment.

Give them a moment to deliver a Valentine’s Day message to you. Or to sit in silence and enjoy feeling their presence.

7. Disconnect and grounding

As we prepare to disconnect, the green ray connecting our hearts fades back into invisibility.

Your astral, etheric self slowly floats back down to earth and into your body.

Notice your breath. Feel yourself back in your body, grounded with the earth and aligned with its resonance.

8. Give thanks and gratitude

Take a moment to thank God, your guides, your Twin Flame and higher selves.

We give gratitude and thanks.

So be it and so it is.

I hope this is helpful for you and that you get everything you need from this experience. It was my first time doing a recorded guided session. So if it resonated, please let me know!

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