For as long as I can remember, I have been driven by my intuition. The psychic (energetic) side of life has always come natural to me. I’ve been communicating with Spirit for as long as I can remember. Even at a young age, I used my sense of Claircognizance to consider the various possibilities of a situation and the timelines or pathways that each series of events would lead to. As a Pisces sun sign with moon in Scorpio, I’ve never considered myself to be an Empath because empathy is literally engraved in my DNA!
Spirit refers to Source Energy, the Creator, and the 5D spirit realm (purely energetic).
I believe in the Christian faith, the 5D, and theories of Quantum Reality (multiple timelines) as witnessed in my NDE at the University of Virginia – Charlottesville, which is one of the only accredited institutions that specializes in Perceptual Studies.
The divine Twin Flame mission
Twin Flames are leaders – in a spiritual sense, not in a status/ego sense. It is a leadership by inspiration, showing a way of life that is completely different to the old paradigm of 3D. We are leaving the breadcrumbs for people to start their own quest back to their true authentic self and essence.
Gaia Living Magazine
I have been on the Twin Flame journey for 13 years and lost my Twin Flame in 2021 after he completed his lifetime’s goal of breaking his karmic cycles. The Twin Flame mission is to awaken each other and through their love story and teach humanity the meaning of unconditional love (aka universal love). This dynamic has often been referred to as “Christ’s consciousness” or “Christ and Magdalene consciousness”.
Twin Flames are in service to the Source, aka God. The feeling of such a soul connection and deep universal love is what it feels like to return “home” to the 5D. (Rest assured, you’re already in the 5D, so feeling hopeless or like you don’t belong here is purely from your ego — a human, 3D-level trait.)
Asking Spirit about the relationship between the physical world, the 5D, and God
Often, I’ll ask my late Twin Flame, who now acts as a Helper to my Guides, about God and the 5D. Even my Guides are quick to remind me that abilities like manifestation or phenomena like reincarnation are only possible because these are Divine skills.
We are created in His image. As human beings, we can think, feel, and love on much smaller levels than God can. All of these abilities are Divine — a miniscule fraction of the Creator’s abilities.
“So God created human beings in his own image.
Genesis 1:27 NLT
In the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.”
It’s not just God and humans that this passage applies to. Human beings, with our Torodial energy fields, Chakras, and other energetic concepts, mirror the way the Universe is designed, as well. This passage is also telling of the divine masculine and divine feminine energies.
Levels of our Soul
Most religions acknowledge the existence of various levels or dimensions. Some believe that at the highest level, we are our own universe. Perhaps in essence, sure. We are both in and of this universe.

How the 3D and 5D function
Spirit has revealed that the “5D” (the spiritual realm, where our energetic body or soul exists outside of space and time) is very real. Our Higher Selves (the part of us that exists in the 5D) along with our Guides (who are souls, just like us) are able to communicate with us, just as we are able to communicate with God through prayer or other means. Both are examples of energetic (psychic) communication.
We exist on the 5D as who our souls truly are. We incarnate here on earth with the goal of embracing the challenges of the 3D/4D world to better ourselves and those around us.
After completing a lifetime here, we “return” to the 5D (I put that in quotes because since the 5D exists outside of linear time, we always exist at this level). In the 5D, we aid in others’ journeys as their Guides or Helpers, all collectively helping one another enrich our souls.
The purpose of the 5D: Waiting room for the Second Coming
The 5D is not the Afterlife. Heaven, or whatever afterlife you believe in (even if it’s none), lies outside of the 5D. The 5D plane is part of the “artificial” world that God designed. The 5D and 3D coincide together, while Heaven exists outside of that vacuum.
The 5D is where the energetic part of our soul exists. It is our true self — our real identity. While our physical bodies may change throughout each incarnation, our soul always remains the same in the 5D because it’s who we actually are.
Upon the Second Coming of Christ (i.e. the Rapture as told in the book of Revelation*), we will exit the 5D and enter into the true Afterlife.

Manifesting the Betterment of our Souls
Just as how God is more complex than we can imagine, and since we are created in His image, our souls are not as simple as they seem. This is how we can have things like alternative timelines (the multi-verse) or even the 5D occurring, because our souls are partial here in the 3D world. Other timelines may be occurring alongside of this one, but we have one primary consciousness (soul) for this lifetime.
The actions and choices we make, along with the intentions of others in the world, can merge or put us onto a neighboring timeline. This is how manifestation occurs. The universe and world we live in is forever expanding, forever shifting and changing, and trying to figure it out is not our purpose here. Our purpose is to fulfill our immediate duties in the 3D world, which ultimately enriches our souls and prepares us for what’s outside of the pre-designed realms (the Afterlife).
What all of this means?
Through scientific research, studying the Bible, sharpening my spirit communication skills, self-improvement via energetic healing and meditation, and applying my own experiences and Clair senses, I’ve been able to embrace my life’s purpose of using my energetic abilities for the greater good.
As my Guides said, “Your past experiences from former lives have prepared you for this.”
My journey is still continuing and I hope to share more with you as it unfolds.
What’s your journey been like? Have you asked your Guides about any scientific or religious principles? Comment and share your story!
Related Reading:
• Fifth Dimension 101: What is 5D & How to Ascend
• Twin Flame Soul Merge: Entering into 5D Union
• Understanding Twin Flames: A 5D Relationship in a 3D World
• Timeline Hopping Alternate Realities after an NDE