Can a Twin Flame Come Back? Reuniting With Your Twin Flame After Death

It can be hard to believe, but there are people who’ve lost their twin flame and heard the words, “I’m coming back.” Some of those people have successfully found their loved one again and are back on the twin flame journey with them.

How does one know if they’ll see their twin flame again in this lifetime? What do you do if you receive their message of “I’m coming back”? Is it possible to call your twin flame back into your life and continue the journey with them?

Twin Flame Reunion After Death: Is It Possible?

I heard those words in mere months after my twin flame died. It was like an intuitive message left on my heart. No matter how much my mental mind tried to poke holes in such a crazy sounding premonition that my twin flame would somehow return and find me again, the universe continued to send signs and synchronicities that were impossible to ignore.

I made a conscious choice to trust that this notion of his return was true, thinking there was nothing to lose if it turned out to be my imagination or grief getting the best of me. If anything, choosing to believe it was true would only yield benefits from the journey to reunite like opening my heart, loving deeper, clearing the mirror, and raising my frequency. Either way, it was a win-win situation. So, I set the intention to go down this path.

After a journey of rebirth, I found my twin flame again. It took daily effort and a lot of time and energy spent on inner work, personal growth, and sharpening my intuitive senses. I worked with my and my twin flame’s higher self, as well as my spirit guides, closely through daily meditation. I researched and explored concepts like solfeggio frequencies, astral travel, binaural beats, and numerological synchronicities, using them as tools to deepen my journey. In just six months, a person with my twin flame’s energy came crashing into my world.

With a nagging feeling that I couldn’t be the only one to experience something as wild as my twin flame’s return, I created this website to share my story. People started finding it and reaching out about how much it resonated with theirs. A select few of them also claimed that they couldn’t shake the feeling that their twin flame was coming back. I realized that this wasn’t as rare of an occurrence as we may have initially thought.

Not all twin flames will come back in this life

Not all people whose twin flames have died will find their loved one again. It’s the soul’s decision to return to this world within your same incarnation or to remain in Spirit and support you as a spiritual helper, which can be just as valuable and meaningful as the physical support they’d give you if they returned in a new vessel. It depends on their unique soul journey and the path that’s laid out across time.

If your loved one passed away, you’ll know if a return is possible. It’s something that’s felt intuitively. Words do little justice in explaining how, but your heart will simply know through a deep inner knowing that the feelings of their return are true.

What does it mean for a twin flame to come back?

When a twin flame comes back, we’re not talking about a cheap horror flick about zombies or Frankenstein-like resurrection. To understand how a twin flame who has died can return, you have to understand the nature of a soul.

The soul is a complex hierarchy that’s composed of the higher self and energy monads. This soul energy branches out from the higher self and into groups or monads of soul energy that extend into incarnations like the one you’re in now.

When a person passes away, their soul energy returns to “the other side” or spiritual dimension. Because of the nature of time and what we’re learning through quantum physics, it’s possible for a soul to have multiple existences in any given period of time.

This is how it’s possible to find a person who embodies your twin flame again in this life. The twin flame journey can be activated through meeting (or reuniting, rather) and you can pick up where you left off. This is also possible because the twin flame journey is a metaphysical one – it is not bound by physical means.

This brings up questions like: Will your twin flame’s new vessel know or have memory of your journey together? The short answer is yes, you will share a love that’s indescribable and doesn’t make logical sense to feel with that person. Some people claim to have remembrance of their other life and use methods like past life regression and deep meditation to gain this level of recall.

Remember that nothing is impossible. If there’s one thing my late twin flame has shown me, it’s that the impossible can always be proven possible, so never limit yourself to a life of restricted possibilities!

Signs your twin flame will return

It’s believed that twin flames can maintain a spiritual connection even after physical death. If you’re wondering if your twin flame will return, pay attention to these signs:

  • Synchronicity: Notice any recurring coincidences or meaningful numbers appearing in your life.
  • Dreams: Pay attention to your dreams, as they can be a powerful way for your twin flame to communicate.
  • Signs and messages: Look for signs and messages, such as feathers, butterflies, or specific symbols that hold significance for you.
  • Intuitive feelings: Trust your gut feelings and intuition. If you feel a strong connection or pull towards your twin flame, it could be a sign of their return.
  • Physical sensations: Some people report feeling physical sensations, like warmth or tingling, when their twin flame is near.
  • A sense of peace: You may experience a sense of peace and tranquility, knowing that your twin flame is watching over you.

How can a twin flame come back?

After a person passes away, their soul continues to exist in the Spirit realm. Just as they came to earth before, in the form you knew them as, the soul can come to earth again. How they come back may vary.

There are concepts to explain how this is possible, such as a soul exchange or walk-in.

There are some things that must be in place for your twin flame’s return. Work on these things in your personal journey to facilitate the process:

  • Resonating high frequency.
  • Clearing the mirror, healing, and cleansing.
  • Manifesting an environment that’s favorable for their return.
  • Eliminating expectations, old beliefs, and limiting thoughts.
  • Setting the intention.

I explained how a twin flame’s return happens in more detail in my book, Rebirth: The Spiritual Evolution That Reunited Two Souls.

Evolving from physical to metaphysical love

Part of the journey is working with the part of yourself that’s driving your physical attachment to your twin flame.

You may yearn to see your twin flame in this world again. But it’s important to learn to appreciate their metaphysical presence equally, if not more than the love you feel for the person you’ve grown to know them as in this lifetime.

Their metaphysical essence is their true self, as bodies change but the soul remains constant throughout time. Learning to surpass the ego’s desire for what’s familiar and to trust your senses to know your twin flame’s energy is a crucial lesson. It’s an essential step in your personal growth and ascension. Doing so will allow you to unlock reservoirs of love and comfort that many go their whole lives seeking.

It requires you to trust in something you cannot physically see with your eyes or touch with your hands, but the beauty of this is that you’ll learn to see with your mind’s eye and feel their energy throughout the layers of the self and biofield.

For instance, communing with their higher self in meditation or mastering lucid dreaming to continue your twin flame path in the astral realm (dreams). There are many ways to experience your twin flame after they’ve passed. This is one of the biggest lessons you can achieve to master.

Calling your twin flame back into this world requires you to master this, because it’s imperative to not let your old beliefs of who they are distract you from whatever new form they’re going to take.

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What’s next?

I hope this helps get you started in your journey. There’s much more to cover, such as what happens when a twin flame returns or how do you know they’re back. Check back for more information on reuniting with your twin flame and working with them after physical death.

If you’re looking for support, the Twin Flames Grief Support Group is a connected group of individuals who’ve lost their twin flames and are on the spiritual journey—many of which have felt their twin flame will return and/or have found them again.

Explore more articles about coping with the loss of a twin flame on

If this article resonated and you’d like to learn more, please explore my Twin Flame Coaching & Mentor Services.

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Author bio

Lisa Arrington

Since the loss of her Twin Flame in January 2021, Lisa has followed an intuitive promise that they’d be reunited. Just five months later, they were. Lisa Arrington runs the Twin Flame & Soulmate Grief Support group to connect this wave of twin souls and create a network that promotes enlightenment. Lisa is an author, a graduate of UNC Charlotte, near death experience (NDE) survivor, recovered addict, and a mother. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram @etherealsoul444.

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