A walk-in is the exchange of two souls into a body before the time of death. The people involved in a walk-in soul scenario have mutually agreed to allow one’s higher self (also known as the spiritual self) to channel through the other person’s body here on earth, usually to help them achieve a goal, overcome a challenge, or move forward in their journey of personal transformation.
This walk-in soul is likely to enter into the material world after the person experiences an event where they could benefit from the assistance of a more mature soul who is better equipped to handle things like resolving trauma, practicing spiritual alchemy, or processing the life-altering effects of a near-death experience (NDE).
The concept of a walkin has been understood differently in different cultures. The Hindu refer to this phenomenon as “bodhisattva,” while Americans call it a “walk-in” or “soul transformation.” However, the concept of walk-in souls is not tied to a specific religion. It applies to any religion that believes in chi, life force, prana, soul or spirit.
At times, a more evolved part of our soul may temporarily take charge while we journey elsewhere in search of higher purpose and deeper wisdom. Experienced spiritual travelers can move into an adult body—a person whose life is already in progress—rather than entering as a newborn. This allows them to quickly pick up their mission of aiding our ascendance.
Facts about Walk-ins:
- Soul exchanges can occur at any age of a person, not just at birth.
- Permission of both the souls involved must be secured for a walk-in to occur.
- The walk-in soul is usually more spiritually evolved and capable of navigating life circumstances.
- The inbound (walk-in) soul becomes responsible for the body it’s “walking into” and completes the chapter of life it enters into.
- The walk-in soul may be braided into the same vessel and share responsibilities with the existing Soul.
Walk-ins can happen between two souls who’ve partnered in past incarnations before. Or a walk-in can be from one’s same soul group that share monadic energy.
Unlike possession where a person’s body is unwillingly overtaken, a true soul exchange requires mutual agreement between all those involved, making this spiritual event altogether unique yet timelessly sacred.
While it is called a soul exchange, it doesn’t mean that the out-going soul necessarily takes the incoming soul’s place in whatever vessel they came from. Sometimes, the out-going soul chooses to stay in the body and tag-team to accomplish the task at hand.
Walk-in souls contribute to healing and ascension. They can provide an energy assist to jump timelines, speed the learning of key lessons, and form essential connections with other souls that are necessary for achieving personal goals and milestones that they otherwise would not have been able to attain solo.
Your Spiritual Self as Part of a Connected Network of Souls
To understand walk-ins, we have to think beyond the idea that a soul can only enter the body at the time of birth.
Your soul exists as part of a connected network of other souls who have built relationships and affinities with you throughout time. It’s like the social network of friends and family you’ve established through the course of your life in the physical world. The people you’ve formed a relationship with, whether as romantic partners, family, or friends, remains connected to you and expands into an entangled web of connected energies.
In the same way that the people we’re connected to would have our back in our time of need, our spiritual selves do the same. They have the ability to flow through the various energy levels (e.g., astral, etheric) to help us achieve the things we’d otherwise would struggle to accomplish alone. The helper soul “walks in” to our being to either aide ourselves or play a supporting role in another person’s life. This is what I experienced after the passing of my Twin Flame.

What Can Prompt a Walk-in?
Situations that can prompt a walk-in soul scenario to occur include:
- The death of someone who has a superior soul tie and an active soul mission to complete on earth.
- Big life-changing lessons that the host soul must learn, but may need additional help to overcome.
- Periods of extreme challenge or darkness, where ample lightwork or protection is needed to boost the host soul up and make it through.
- Near-death experiences (NDE) or out-of-body experiences, especially in instances where the host soul has made contact with their soul family in the Spirit Realm and has chosen to return to earth with a newfound mission or purpose.
In my NDE, I experienced what it was like for my soul to enter my body — multiple times. In at least one instance of this, I was aware that part of my soul (or perhaps part of another’s soul) was already occupying my body that I was entering into. It’s hard to describe, but I was able to have conscious thoughts during this process. I wondered what happened to the existing soul. If this was part of my soul, does that mean it would go back into Spirit? Or would they be displaced, and end up as a soul fragment destined to roam the dimensional planes without a body?
I’ve also experienced a walk-in in my Twin Flame relationship. Shortly after my partner passed in January 2021, I received an intuitive promise that he would come back. To my surprise, I found the person who carried his soul energy. It was a walk-in soul encounter of my Twin Flame. I’ve learned that it takes conscious effort to sustain a walkin, but today, I am still with my “new” partner, walking on the path of my Twin Flame journey to finish our mission together.
The Difference Between a Walk-in Soul and Sleeper Soul
There are other theories of soul exchanges in addition to walk-ins, including sleeper souls, body swapping, and soul activations.
A sleeper soul is said to occur when another part of one’s soul exists in a person, alongside their active soul. The active soul is responsible for their decision-making and comprehension throughout life, until the inciting event that awakens the soul that has lied dormant inside them.
The main difference between a walk-in and a sleeper soul is how or when the soul consciousness is exchanged. The walk-in soul resides in the spirit realm until it’s time to activate. It requires a larger sum of energy to make this transition, whereas a sleeper soul is already embedded in the person’s etheric template — they’re already tethered to the body and therefore, will require less energy to transition their consciousness over to the “sleeping” one, so it becomes active within the body and takes the wheel as the primary conscious soul for that person.
Signs and Symptoms of a Walk-in Soul
Here are some of the signs associated with a walk-in:
- A sudden and profound shift in personality or worldview.
- A feeling of alienation or detachment from your life, as if you are not fully present in your body or your experiences.
- A sense of knowing that you are here for a specific purpose, and that you have a unique contribution to make to the world.
- An ability to tap into a deep well of wisdom and insight, even on subjects that you have no formal training in.
- A strong connection to the spiritual world, and a sense of being guided by a higher power.
Not everyone who experiences these signs is necessarily a walk-in soul. These changes can also be caused by other factors, such as personal growth, spiritual awakening, or mental health.
If you’re still wondering if you might be a walk-in soul, the best thing to do is to listen to your intuition and inner guidance. If you feel that you are a walk-in, there are many resources available to help you understand your experience and fulfill your purpose.
Frequently Asked Questions about Walk-ins
Evolutionary steps sometimes require a special guide—a walk-in that can show the way. They boldly come to earth to uncover what needs to be done for progress and harmony among people; then help others to make their own meaningful changes. Ultimately, these Souls have generated a path of understanding so everyone may find peace along their journey ahead.
According to Dr. Shakinah S. Judah, “Many walk-ins carry symbols and encodings within their energy field.” Walk-ins can be unusually perceptive to lightcodes and energies in nature, subconsciously aware that they resonate with their own vibrational field.
Walk-ins are a special kind of leader. Guiding us with grace through times of change, these brave pioneers become role models we can look up to as we take our own journey forward into the light. They help us learn and overcome and lead by example for raising the vibration and expanding consciousness.
Through the power of connection, we’re able to share symbology and vibrational frequencies that transcend physical boundaries, offering us a glimpse into an alternate reality. Our energies mesh and entangle to form something even more beautiful than before. Such shared experiences bring transformation on all levels!
A monad is the monadic energy grouping of your Soul. Think of it as the powerhouse of your Soul, operating as a centralized system to manage your Soul’s complex network of aspects. You’re connected to your Higher Self through this monad. Each monad includes 12 Soul groups that house a total of 144 individual parts of your Soul, including Twin Flames, Soulmates or archetypal roles like the inner child and wounded healer. Learn more about monadic Twin Flames.
Upon entering a new body, a person experiences an adjustment period while they become accustomed to their unfamiliar environment. As the higher vibrations of the incoming soul introduces itself and its power, both mental and physical blockages can arise as those old karmic patterns are cleared away. To ensure successful integration of the newly arrived Soul into the vessel’s anatomy and electromagnetic grids, inner child work may be necessary in order to restore harmony between mind, spirit, and body.
In cases where one Soul is braided in with an existing Soul within the same vessel (also called a “Soul braid”), it can be quite jarring for both participants. While the incoming entity may feel at odds with their new home and its history, their host will likely struggle too as they adapt to unfamiliar energies circulating within them.
It can leave you feeling like an entirely different person day by day. The influx of high vibrational energy while you’re making sense of everything can be overwhelming, too. Those who have recently experienced a Soul walk-in may struggle with assimilating into their new environment as they feel like two different people in your day-to-day or be overwhelmed by scattered emotions and feel numbness towards things. This is also why so many people don’t feel like they’re “home.” Newly incarnated Souls must also deal with the issues left behind by their natal counterparts while simultaneously adjusting to their increased vibrational energies. But even through all this turbulence, our bodies can adapt quickly due recent powerful downloads channeled into our DNA that upgrade the human template.
When a Soul walks in, they may not be consciously aware that an exchange has taken place. The effects can be seen reflected in their long-term choices and behaviors, though. They’ll begin to make changes as if guided by an inner force. For some, this transition is slow and subtle. For others, it can be drastic and quick. Their career path might lead them down unusual roads. Their religious beliefs or sense of home can take unexpected turns. Clothing styles often shift, along with changing feelings towards family members and friends. Someone’s aura or overall energy may feel different, as well. They may remember different past lives or appear to have a mission activated within themselves that you never knew them to pay much mind to before.
As humans go through the ascension process from the third to fifth dimension and beliefs surrounding ‘New Earth’ become more widespread, soul exchanges and walk-ins are becoming more frequent. This has been foretold throughout time – that God will send helpers to Earth who can help humanity move towards higher spiritual realms of awareness. In fact, the idea of a walk-in is closely related to the Twin Flame mission of aiding earth in reaching a higher consciousness of Love. Walk-ins bring their knowledge from other planes of existence, guiding us all closer to understanding our multidimensional souls and leading us into a new era on this planet we call home.
An Example of How a Walk-in Soul Exchange Would Work

To see how this type of exchange would work, let’s take a look at three people.
First, let’s meet Soul A. We’ll call him Tanner. Tanner is incarnated on earth as a young man in his early 30s. He has a successful career, good friends and family, but feels that he’s lacking in his personal faith and romantic relationships.
Soul B, who we’ll call Phelix, has not incarnated in Tanner’s lifetime. Fragments of his soul exist in the Spirit Realm, fragmenting down from his higher self to experience life at this level, enriching his soul through each experience his personalities (or fragments) have with the other souls. Some of which have chosen to incarnate on earth.
Soul C, Cherie, is also incarnated on earth. Cherie has had lifetimes with Phelix before, and knows him well. Their energy gets along wonderfully, especially when it comes to romance and passion.
Cherie (C) is at a point in her life where she needs to fulfill a romantic role to learn lessons that will enrich her overall consciousness. Phelix (B) is available and willing to act as a conduit to make this happen.
Tanner (A), who hasn’t had many interactions (physically or metaphysically) with Cherie, but who shares many of the same familial soul connections as her, is in Cherie’s proximity on earth. Having had a recent Spiritually Transformative Experience (STE), Tanner is at a point where his frequency is heightened for spiritual development.
At the Spirit level, Tanner and Phelix make an agreement for Phelix to aide Tanner in his pursuit of Cherie. Having known Phelix in past (or future) incarnations, Cherie will be more receptive to his energy and recognize the maturity of his soul, having had more experience on earth than Tanner has in this area of life.
Tanner’s metaphysical state surrenders and allows for Phelix’s entry into his etheric template.
Phelix acts as the walkin soul for Tanner, to ultimately help Tanner’s development, as well as play a much needed role in Cherie’s life to serve her, as well. It’s all about service to others.

A True Walk-in Story: Rebirth: The Spiritual Evolution that Reunited Two Souls
Rebirth: The Spiritual Evolution that Reunited Two Souls is the true story of one Twin Flame’s journey to find her late loved one again after his unexpected death on January 21, 2021. The couple would be reunited through a walk-in soul exchange.
For two years, Lisa recorded signs, synchronicities, and messages to document the journey of rebirth and decode the steps to reunite with her Twin Flame. “Rebirth” takes us through her research and explores theories of soul connection, the harmonic universe, and the interconnected network of people on similar paths. Through her journey to reunite with her late beloved, Gregory, author Lisa Arrington sheds light on the nature of human connection and miracles—proof that love has no boundaries.
Types of Walk-in Soul Experiences
In my case, I experienced an upgrade or walk-in during a near death experience (NDE), in which I returned to my body with an unexplainable focus to resolve past life trauma. I didn’t learn of the past life for six years after but the changes in myself were undeniable. I’ve also experienced a form of walk-in in the rebirth of my Twin Flame partner.
Sometimes, a walk-in occurs simply by flowing energy through to the host vessel. Rather than “taking over” or requiring a solid soul contract where one soul becomes the dominant driving force for that person, the walk-in soul can simply channel energy to them on an as-needed basis. This is an especially good scenario for two souls that are both naturally strong willed and who would struggle to surrender fully to another. This is what I experienced in my second walk-in scenario.
This method is preferred by souls who simply need a little guidance for a very specific goal or path in their life, like walking the twin flame journey with a window who has already begun the journey with another person that had passed away. The foundation has been set already. But an acting individual is needed to pick things back up and bring the relationship to fruition. The walk-in will flow energy to the host, sometimes so strongly that their friends and family have to do a doubletake when they look at the person, because the energy of the walk-in soul is so strong that it affects people’s perception of that individual. The person looks like a vision of the walk-in soul, the energy is so striking.
In either scenario, the host soul does not lose their independence, sense of free will, or personal control of their destiny. It is always a mutually agreed upon direction of both the host and the walk-in soul.
Other Concepts to Understand Walk-in Souls
The concept of a walk-in involves many important supporting topics in the peripheral of understanding. This includes things like co-creation—the ability for an individual to attract and manifest things into their life, being in charge of their own reality—and the role that energy plays in one’s relational connections like the “runner and chaser” dynamic that often plays out between two individuals who are unaware of the powerful impact that their personal energy has on one another, and on the collective dynamic of their relationship together. It deals properties of metaphysics, limitless possibilities of the quantum field, frequency of our states of consciousness, the multidimensional soul (i.e., the soul “personalities” or incarnations, the higher self and the oversoul), and the critical idea of free will that each soul possesses.
Other concepts to explore for a complete understanding of a walkin soul:
- Time (e.g., time dilation)
- The multidimensional self (dynamics of a soul)
- Soul birth, creation of a soul, energy monads and soul family
- Soul contracts
- The higher purpose of certain soul ties, like the altruistic mission of twin flames to bring love into the world with the goal of supporting humanities ascension to new earth through the personal development, healing and growth of our consciousness
- Spiritual alchemy
- Dualism
- Energy, frequency, and vibration (3, 6, and 9)
It’s All About Energy
Everything is energy. Energy is the name of the game. Other souls can come into our physical or metaphysical sphere of existence to provide assistance. They can lend their energy as a support to get us where we need to be, and achieve heights that we otherwise would not be able to by ourselves, or that would’ve taken many years or decades on our own with only our limited energy source.
A walk-in soul provides the host vessel with access to its energetic resources. The close correlation of soul energy of the original soul and the walk-in soul leads to an amplification effect. The walk-in acts as an amplifier and catalyzes the energy potential of the individual, resulting in ample abilities like rapid manifestation and remote psychic abilities.
The concept is similar to what happens when two Twin Flame counterparts are close to one another. Their physical proximity triggers their energetic skills to be set off and leads to reports of things like unexpected remote viewing, shared dreams or lucid dreaming, manifesting without even trying, and tantric sexual experiences (“sex magic”).
Understanding these concepts will help us better understand the metaphysics behind walk-ins or soul exchanges, and learn how to better determine when they happen and why.
In short: the concept of a walk-in soul is a spiritual belief that a soul can leave a physical body and another soul can “walk in” to take over. This is often said to occur during a time of intense personal crisis or trauma for the original soul. There are no scientific studies that have definitively proven the existence of walk-in souls. However, there are many people who believe that they are walk-ins themselves, and there is a growing body of literature on the subject.