There’s a lot of conflicting information about Twin Flames, also known as Twin Souls. Being a spiritual topic, it’s hard to find hard data or definitive evidence to determine what’s accurate. Some people believe that Twin Flames come to earth in waves and have three incarnations together to fulfill their mission.
Twin Flames are said to have limited past lives together, while others say that monadic Twin Flames have a rich history of past incarnations. Much of this lack of clarity is caused by trying to explain a 5D concept using 3D means of communication and understanding.
This article explains how Twin Flames has become such a confusing topic and offers truth about this special relationship.
Before diving in, catch up on the basics:
A 5D Relationship in a 3D World
We are trying to understand the Twin Flame dynamic in the physical world. But the reality is that it isn’t of this earth. It’s a higher form of connection that requires an expanded consciousness to accurately perceive. People with this type of soul tie have heightened psychic abilities like telepathy and empathy. By working through the journey with their counterpart, they are aligning the parts of themselves in a way that amplifies their ability to co-create. Because Twin Flames are always connected by the silver cord or astral cord, you do not need to personally know or be with your Twin.
Twin Flames aren’t always romantic in nature. They take the form of whatever role will best reach you. You and your counterpart have an extremely strong energetic connection both here in the 3D (on earth) and in the 5D (the spirit realm, where our soul contracts are formed).
Since the fifth dimension (5D) exists outside of time, you are always together–able to access the other. For instance, my Twin Flame passed away but our connection remained. I realized I was able to interact with his Higher Self, the part of the soul that exists beyond three-dimensional space. I can communicate with him clearer, better, and with less resistance than I did in the 13-year span he was in my life before he died.
What is the Fifth Dimension (5D)?
The 5D exists within the same confines as the 3D. While the 3D deals with this physical earth, time and the lifetimes our souls experience, the 5D is associated with a higher state of being. Some believe that the Higher Self communicates through this channel. Read more in Fifth Dimension 101: What is 5D & How to Ascend
Dolores Cannon’s research on souls, incarnation and karma has greatly shaped our understanding of the spiritual world. She was one of the first to bring a scientific approach to these topics through hypnotic regression, in which she allowed her subjects to tap into their subconscious and past lives. Her findings revealed that each individual soul has its own unique journey, growing and learning from experience as it moves from incarnation to incarnation. According to Dolores, this process is guided by the law of Karma. Our actions in life will determine what kind of conditions we will face when we return for another lifetime. This theory offers an incredibly powerful way of understanding our place in the spiritual world. Today, scholars, spiritualists, near-death experience survivors, and everyday people are tapping into a higher level of consciousness.
Unveiling the Soul’s Journey: Dolores Cannon’s Pioneering Research
Dolores Cannon, a trailblazer in the field of past-life regression, forever changed our perspective on the spiritual world. Through her groundbreaking work, she wasn’t just offering another spiritual theory – she was one of the first to bring a scientific lens to these concepts.
Cannon’s methodology revolved around deep hypnosis, allowing her subjects to bypass the conscious mind and access their subconscious memories. These sessions, chronicled in her numerous books, revealed a fascinating tapestry of past lives, shedding light on the soul’s incredible journey.
According to Cannon’s compelling findings, each individual soul embarks on a unique path of growth and learning. We incarnate lifetime after lifetime, not simply existing but actively evolving through experience. This journey is guided by the universal law of Karma, where the choices we make in one life ripple forward, influencing the circumstances of the next.
Dolores Cannon’s work offers a powerful perspective on our place in the grand scheme. It suggests that our lives, however seemingly mundane, hold profound significance. Every action, every interaction, becomes a stepping stone in the soul’s grand adventure.
The impact of Cannon’s research extends far beyond her devoted following. Today, scholars, spiritual teachers, near-death experiencers, and everyday people are increasingly drawn to explore the depths of consciousness. Dolores Cannon’s pioneering work undeniably played a part in this growing movement, paving the way for a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
Are you curious to learn more about Dolores Cannon’s research? Her books, such as “Life Between Lives” and “Conversations with Nostradamus,” delve into the fascinating details of her past-life regression sessions.
The Progression of Your Soul’s Development
People all over the world are having spiritually transformative experiences (STE) and the things they’re witnessing make it impossible to deny the validity of Dolores’ findings. Scientific research in quantum physics has uncovered the quantum field, which is said to be the source of all possibilities in reality. So, from science to spirituality, the idea that the soul exists multi-dimensionally and that one soul does not equal one body. The soul branches off from the Higher Self and extends into various factions or personality branches. Each branch experiences multiple incarnations throughout time.

As your soul lives out its incarnations, it is developing and growing. The goal is to clear karmic baggage and break any cycles, so that we can move away from Karma and into Dharma. Doing this takes help from other souls. “It takes a village,” as they say. The souls that you’ve bonded with in previous incarnations may appear in this life as a soulmate. They have agreed to assist you or play a role for you in some way. Twin Flames take this a step further. These are souls who share the same energetic blueprint — the same frequency — as you. They portray the principle of duality and encourage you to learn to balance Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies.
When these energies are aligned and activated, you enter a powerhouse mode of rapid manifestation and co-creation and can achieve experiences like an Alchemical Marriage or Soul Merge. This isn’t for fun and games, though. These experiences have a very important purpose:
The goal of the Twin Flame collective is to support the ascension of earth and empower humanity in our objective to exit the cycles of karma. Twin Flames are here to raise the vibration, expand consciousness, and bring a greater frequency of love to the planet. These experiences signal to us that we are expanding on the path of ascension and growth in the right direction.
Definitive Answers and Proof
Energy healing and meditation are the best ways to find definitive answers about your Twin Flame journey.
- Integrating meditation as a daily practice can catapult your spiritual understanding. It’s the best way to fast-track your awakening. One of my favorite resources has been Reiki Rachel‘s guided Twin Flame meditations and healings. She offers helpful videos designed for you to work with your counterpart at the highest level. The sessions are free and range anywhere from 12 to 25 minutes.
- Learning to connect with your Higher Self, as well as your partner’s, and communicating with your spirit guide will give you the confirmation you need. Ask your partner’s Higher Self directly: Are you my Twin Flame? And be open and receptive to whatever you receive or however you receive it.
Further proof can be seen in the universal patterns within this soul tie. For instance, Twins are known for mirroring. In psychoanalysis, the mirror stage occurs at ages 6-18 months. It’s when you learn to identify with the image of yourself and is a key building block of your ego [Purdue University].
You create the ideal version of yourself; how you imagine you are portrayed in the world, which doesn’t match how you really appear. This can cause friction and fragmentation of the ego. Twin Flames show the same behavior by using their counterpart as their mirror. Their energy can be mirrored back to them in their partner’s behavior because humans are reflectory creatures. It allows the person to see things in themselves that they need to heal or adjust.
The mirroring effect is so great in Twin Flames because it’s prompting them to heal, improve their awareness of how they energetically affect one another, and to go beyond the ego to live in a higher state of being. Mirroring is also similar to concepts of duality like Yin and Yang, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, and the zodiac sign of Pisces, the two fishes tethered together by an unbreakable cord who are swimming opposite directions but functioning as one, complete entity. The presence of these patterns in Twin Flames, such as mirroring, helps confirm how they fit into the universal picture.
Why are Twin Flames so popular?
Twin Flames are topic of interest in popular culture but it is not a term to use lightly. Women’s magazines don’t hesitate to publish articles targeting women in whirlwind romances who think their lover is a Twin Flame–and they may be, but what’s important about Twin Flames is not the romanticism. It’s the connection that two souls share. The power of this connection cuts through material worries, circumstances, and matters of the ego and makes us aware of the multi-dimensional self. Those who’ve felt the Twin Flame pull know this with every fiber of their being. We recognize it as truth at a cellular level and are doing the work to assist in our societal evolution towards ascension (e.g., the Age of Aquarius and ascension to New Earth). Not only is it hard to convey the Twin Flame experience to those who’ve not aren’t on this journey because it goes beyond the normal levels of emotion and mentality, it’s also difficult because of poor word choice.
The words you use in your thoughts, on paper, or out loud resonate in a way that affects the vibrational frequency of our world, your body and biofield, and reality itself. Like God created the world with His words and how the words of prayer help by not only calling on the Divine, but by co-creating. Your words become imprinted onto the universe and will prompt it to respond to your intention and the frequency emitted by these words.
Because we can only prove the validity of Twin Flames with intuition, using the correct language when discussing your experiences is important to deter skeptics. It can also be dangerous to be too loose with your words when talking to people who’re just starting to explore their spirituality.
For example, if you tell someone how God’s magic has worked in your life, they’ll get the gist of what you mean but it will leave a lingering connotation due to the word “magic” being related to things like Disney (Fantasia), magic shows (illusionists), witches. If you tell someone about God’s miracles, the message is communicated with total clarity. The person is not associating God with an earthly concept like magic. Miracles are of the Divine.
Twin Flames are similar in that they are higher concepts, primed for the 5D. Using 5D terminology and making sure not to dilute the significance of this soul tie is key. Anytime you discuss Twin Flames, it’s important to show discernment over the terms you use and the labels you perpetuate.
Creating a Better Understanding
Our understanding of the Twin Flame journey is constantly evolving. This is in part because of the expansion of consciousness that’s occurring in the 2020’s. New revelations and possibilities of this connection are discovered every day.
By gathering information from the people experiencing this journey, we can document the cycles, connections in circumstance, and similarities across the collective to study Twin Flames and build a credible base of knowledge.
As we continue down this path of exploration, our knowledge will become more advanced, with added insight and clarity about this existential topic.