Part 2 of the Death of a Twin Flame Story
This post is Part 2 in the “Death of a Twin Flame” series. Read Part 1: Death of a Twin Flame & Promise of Return and Part 3: A New Soul Connection Enters of the story.
In the first part of the story about the death of my Twin Flame, I shared the background on my 13-year long Twin Flame journey. My Twin Flame died in January 2021 and a spiritual reawakening began. It became clear that the story is not over.
When my Twin Flame passed, the connection did not fade. In fact, it grew even more prevalent. How could our connection grow after they died? Even more shocking is the promise of a return; a promise to continue the bond in the physical world.
Calling My Twin Flame Back In
I recently set the intention to fully commit to doing my part to rebirth the relationship and prepare for the second act. I committed to using every day to work on myself, contribute good to the world, remove blocks and barriers, send universal love (formerly called, “unconditional love”) to the people I interact with, growing in my faith in God, and setting myself up for reunion when it comes time to call my Twin Flame back in.
I set the intention to follow my heart’s deepest inner-knowing, trusting the universe to fulfill its promise that I will experience my Twin Flame connection here in the physical world again… in this lifetime
Upon setting my intention, I received the message, “I’m coming back” repeatedly at least four times. While meditating, a vision of my soul family surrounding us in a circle of celebration ensued. I’m not sure exactly what followed after that – if it was purification, healing, bonding or some other phenomena – but there was some type of energy transmission. The scene was one of so much joy and love, as if rejoicing that we were able to overcome the human limitations and burdens, and correctly choose a life of love.

“I’m coming back”
I’ve received other confirmation to support this. From the “REBIRTH” necklace that my late Twin Flame gifted to me just days before his death, the continuation of such a strong and unrivaled connection, to my own intuitive feeling that this is not a time to seek another. The cosmic current of this week also supports what I’m receiving. It’s prime time for purification to prepare for the period of Twin Flame second reunions coming in 2022. Lo and behold, I had recently written about my sense of deep knowing and the message I received through song lyrics: “Look at the sky, I’m still here. I’ll be alive next year.” Next year is 2022.
My dreams have been more active as well. My late counterpart was the one who was skilled in dream work. He even left me a book on Lucid Dreaming. It’s not typical for me to dream about others or to receive clear messages through them. In reading old letters from him, I noticed periods of time where the dreams amplified – my Higher Self was communicating with him that way. I’ve dreamt of him every night the last 3 or 4 nights. The frequency of these dreams is significant when compared to the average one dream per month, usually.
The cycle of the karmic portion of my Twin Flame relationship is reaching its penultimate state. I am getting closer to a time of renewal, where the journey will continue in a new way. No matter how much the logical, rational part of me wants to doubt it, something in my soul knows that this is the right path.

Get the new book, Rebirth, based on the ‘Death of a Twin Flame’ story
Rebirth: The Spiritual Evolution that Reunited Two Souls is the true story of one Twin Flame’s journey to follow her late beloved’s promise of his return.
This book is for anyone who has lost their Twin Flame or Soulmate, and still feels connected. Get it now for under $15!
Preparing for Re-entry: Spiritual Work on the Inner Self
How can a return or “rebirth” be possible? How can I be so sure that I’m not just allowing my grief to fool me into believing this? By using every day as an opportunity to connect deeper, trust further, and truly explore things at that level so I can be sure in what I’m receiving.
This includes:
- Do the inner work: Introspection, shadow work, and exploration from past lives to future. As with any change, it starts from within.
- Listen to yourself. Separate your intuition from your ego. Trust what you’re receiving. Know that you are divinely loved, guided, and protected.
- Learn how to communicate with your Spirit Guides. Spirit Guides are sometimes referred to as “angels”, though they are simply souls like us who we have a strong connection to from previous incarnations.
- Reflect on the connection. Where have things like mirroring, past trauma, or karmic baggage hindered you? What are you holding yourself back from?
- Heal past traumas and remove any blockages so you are able to live with an open heart. Remove limiting beliefs or barriers. Open yourself up to limitless possibilities.
- Work with your partner’s Higher Self through energy sessions and Twin Flame meditations.
- Set the intention and commit to it. You may be asked to do months, even years of inner work or to complete a long overdue karmic cycle before you’re able to start a new one with your mate.
- Live each moment as if you’re already in union. Become an embodiment of the universal love you share. By living with that feeling in your heart, you’re bringing what you desire into reality. This is how we assist in the manifestation process.
- Be aware of the world around you. What are the current cosmic events? What synchronicities are you experiencing? Go spend time outside, alone in nature.
- Fall in love with yourself. See yourself the way that your Twin Flame sees you. Cherish yourself with the respect and honor that a divinely beautiful being like yourself deserves.
Over the last six months, I’ve completed a good portion of the inner work required, but have reached the phase where now it becomes a matter of trust and faith. Life is repeatedly proving the case, giving me almost no negative reason not to trust in what I know. Though, it is tough to accept because as a human, we want physical proof or assurance of things. Bringing yourself to commit to believing is easier said than done, but having a mindset of limitless possibilities is essential.
Doing the spiritual self-work to increase your vibration is essential. The higher the vibration, the easier it is to connect and propel your life’s path.
The universe provided numerous reminders of its infinite possibilities. Energy and messages exist on multiple planes and can reach us in whatever way is most effective for us at that time. If you look, it could be reaching out to you, too.

Living with an Open Heart
To receive something so great, you will have to prove you are ready and align yourself with what’s to come. This means living with an open heart, which can be a challenging thing to do. Life discourages us to dispel fear and only live from a place of love, whether it be social constructs, people’s behavior, or your own ego. Having an open heart also opens us up to feeling deeper emotion. This can present a greater chance of getting hurt.
When you set the intention to achieve your highest love, be ready for life to throw curveballs.
When we follow our hearts 100%, we can draw negative attention from others who cast doubt on us. Doubt triggers our egos and challenges us to put all of our progress to work to avoid being derailed. Part of this is because when we live freely and fearlessly with an open heart, others do not understand (How often do you come across someone with an open heart? It’s a foreign concept to some!). It can also have a mirror effect where people are forced to see themselves and become convicted by what they see in the reflection. The reaction to this unsettling feeling is to go on the offensive.
Remember, if you are involved in a Twin Flame or genuine soul connection, your abilities extend beyond your Twin Flame bond. Things like mirroring, telepathy, and even remote viewing can occur with others, too. These are powerful abilities that can be used as tools along your journey. Twin Flames have an universal capacity for love and are to set the example of Love for others to learn by. As you seek a life to bring about your greatest good, just be aware that there will be challenges, trials and “setbacks”. (The setbacks are never truly setbacks. There is always deeper meaning to what we experience.)
Grasping the concept of Limitless possibilities

“God knows how many hairs you have on your head.” – Luke 12:7, The Bible (NLV)
Consider the following:
- 7 Billion people × 100,000 strands of hair per person on average = 700,000,000,000,000
- The human body has roughly 5 million hair follicles. 7 Billion people × 5 Million follicles per person = 35,000,000,000,000,000
Can you even comprehend that amount? (I can’t!) That’s just talking about hair.
Are you starting to see how, when we think of the arbitrary limitations, and constructs that we’ve allowed ourselves to believe, it’s absurd not to accept that there are limitless possibilities? While we may never uncover enough secrets of the universe to ever know for sure if it’s truly limitless, our minds cannot comprehend the vastness of space or even the number of hairs on our bodies. So, in respect to what we’re able to understand, it is very reasonable to assume the position that the possibilities of our universe and what extends beyond it are limitless.
Starting at the Self
You, your Twin Flame, and your connection together are divine in nature. You are pure and absolute. Yes, we are weighed down by the noise and distraction of the world, but at our core is Love. Something so innately beautiful should not be treated with anything less than pure gratitude, love, care, compassion, patience… All of those things. Until you can get to a place where your inner and outer attitudes reflect this, it may be tough to even imagine a content union with your Twin Flame.
Your outer world reflects your inner self. To see change in life, we must start from within ourselves, first.
The mission of Twin Flames revolves around universal love. Everything you do, think, or even subconsciously desire needs to come from a place of universal love. That can be hard to achieve when we’re constantly faced with the chaos of the outside world every day. But this is the challenge of the Twin Flame journey: We are pushing ourselves to break the status quo. We are being called to more. We harness an infinite level of love and it’s our mission to unlock that within us.
We are here for many different reasons, but the most general purpose for existing has to do with love. For Twin Flames, universal love is not a fairy tale concept that would be nice to be able to find — it is already written into our DNA. We posses the ability to give and receive this higher love. Even that right there is a miraculous thought. Loving an acquaintance, like a close friend you had from college, versus universally loving a child are two different worlds. Universal love is limitless.
Beautifully written. I had similar experience hearing those words after I decided we are twins. Doubts resurface often, everyday to be honest. Im getting stronger at not responding to triggers which makes me proud as I know I have cleared present and past life traumas. One trauma closes another one opens lol but its getting quicker to transform and get back into my desire of inner and outer alignment.
I’m a Pisces and my twin flame was a Scorpio. He died suddenly in a car accident when our children were very little. I was just recently discharged from the Army and we were making a good life, I was staying at home and he was working as a mechanic. We had an intense relationship. I missed him deeply every time he left the house. We were always on the same page, laughed and joked. I loved him so, so, much. Thirty years later I can still describe his eyes, hair, what his hands look like, how he walked. the shape of his nose. My mom had went to a psychic not long after he died and she told her he was only here on earth to give me my two kids. My kids were 4 and 1 when he died. So, your article really touched home with me. Thank you
Hi Krissy, Thank you for sharing your story. It was very moving. My biggest fear is forgetting the way they talked/laughed/looked/felt… It is so special that even after 30 years, he is still that close to your mind and heart. If he was only here to give you your two children, I wonder what the previous and next lifetimes will hold? 🙂 (I did not buy into the idea of other lifetimes until this loss… the sheer power of it has led to an expansion that otherwise wouldn’t be possible!) If the psychic picked up on that and shared it with your mother, I’d bet he is actively reaching out to you regularly, too! Usually, Twin Flames do harness some innate “psychic” abilities.
Thank you again for your comment. It warms my heart that we are able to share our stories and find comfort in knowing that there are others who can understand the larger-than-life intensity of this journey. <3
- Lisa
Hi. My wife passed on the 1st October after 33 years together. Like most relationships we had our moments but always a deep desire to improve which we did, ending up totally authentic with each other and balanced.
I also share concerns that I will slowly forget her character as time goes by, as it seems that way with others that I have lost.
I am on my own now and I believe we will be reunited also. I don’t know why but I just have a deep feeling that it is not over even though she is no longer here physically.
I too am working on myself and doing inner work as I am feeling guided to do so. I thank you for your post as it has made me feel not so alone on this journey that we all share.