A February 2023 survey of a Twin Flame group revealed that the majority their Twin Flame partners passed away within the last two years.
While the passing of Twin Flames and/or soulmates has been happening in the natural ebb and flow of human life, the pattern in regency and frequency has shifted in the early 2020s.

The data reveals that:
76% of people lost their counterpart between 2021 and 2023.
24% of people lost their partner more than three years ago, ranging from 7 to 15 years ago.
This suggests a gap or slowing of Twin Flame passings from 2015 to 2020, where we didn’t see as many awakened Twin Flames lose their counterparts. It does not mean that people stopped dying. It suggests that the cycles of people in this faction or wave of Twin Flames were in a preparatory stage or working through karmic obligations.
For instance, in 2015 I was in a marriage with a soulmate and wouldn’t re-enter the Twin Flame path until 2019. It takes time for the circumstances of life to reach equilibrium where the stars are aligned, so to speak, for such a grave loss to occur. That explains things at the personal level, but what about at the macro level?
Since Twin Flames are here with an altruistic mission to lift earth up to a greater state of love and consciousness, the patterns in this group of people may correlate to global trends.
Study Findings

70% of respondents lost their Twin Flame in the last four years.
There may be a cyclical pattern in terms of the months in the year, where certain months present energetic windows for these intense soul connections to leave earth. If this is true, then the opposite may also be true: there may in fact be certain windows or periods throughout the year that are prime for this soul energy to return or re-manifest.

70% of Twin Flames who’ve lost their partner are under 55.

100% of surviving Twin Flames remain in-contact with their late counterpart, primarily through synchronicities.

For 23% of respondents, the loss of a Twin Flame has “Deepened their understanding” followed by “Opened up new possibilities” and “Sparked a spiritual awakening”, both at 18%.

82% of people highly agreed that the experience of the loss has brought depth of understanding, new possibilities, and healing in their life. In other words, the loss has not solely been a negative experience.
What Do these Findings Mean?
The rapid loss of these individuals in the 2020s could suggest that humanity has completed a milestone and is ready for the next step in its development. Additionally, the shortening of the amount time it takes for the surviving individual to spiritually awaken may point to a heightening of personal awareness, which supports the expansion of consciousness for the everyday person.
Key take-aways from this research suggests:
- Deaths are concentrated between 2021 and 2023. More than 3/4 of people reported their loved one passing away between 2021 and 2023.
- The deaths of Twin Flames in this study were caused by reasons like a drug overdose or complications from overdose, COVID-19 complications, heart attack, brain hemorrhage, and other medical/emergency situations.
- People are experiencing spiritual awakening sooner. The surviving Twin Flames are waking up faster than ever before due to the dichotomy of these soul connections with the speed of human ascension. The data also shows that people are aware of the Twin Flame nature of their connection not long after their loss. Forums and message boards from the 2010s show that many people in that time period awakened to this fact after as long as 20-30 years after their loss.
- A signal of ascension and spiritual evolution. The fact that more connected souls are dying in such a condensed window of time suggests we may be experiencing a type of purge or rebirth. People are exiting earth after breaking karmic cycles, fulfilling their soul contracts, or achieving another purpose. For some people, their physical body was hindered by chronic health problems or weighted down by 3D conditioning. Their loved one was left with a message that their loved one would “level up” and activate in a form that’s more adept to the transition into 5D consciousness.
A New Wave of Twin Flames
There is a wave of Twin Flames here to assist humanity in the development of our consciousness. They are experiencing the loss of their counterpart and realizing the opportunity for expansion from this life event. They believe with complete certainty that they still feel the connection. Some aren’t sure what to do with this information. Others know without a doubt that they’re being called to heal and continue the journey with their mate in Spirit.
These Twin Flames don’t just feel a magnetic pull to their partners. They feel it for other members of the collective. People in this new wave are connected to uphold a shared mission. One could say that the rise of the internet is to blame for this evolution, but the internet only provides access to information. It doesn’t give people the motivation and desire to find it, which is the case we’re seeing with this new wave of Twin Flames. It shows that we are, in fact, in a state of raising our energy across the globe.
With every soul that awakens and every Twin Flame who unlocks the universal love within themselves, the collective grows stronger and greater, lifting us up to a higher vibration. One that yields a life of fulfillment, awareness, and love.
Resources for Coping with the Loss of a Twin Flame
If you’re dealing with the death of your Twin Flame, here are some resources to help cope with your loss and bring healing, love and comfort.
Participate in the Study
If you’ve lost someone you believe is your Twin Flame or soulmate, please consider participating in this research.
Aiming to bridge the gap between metaphysical and scientific understanding of soul connections, the goal of this research is to provide tangible evidence that validates these profound concepts and supports the notion of humanity’s ascension towards higher levels of existence; bring this from “soft science” to “hard data,” so that we may build on these findings and better understand the cycles of this important soul connection.