Duality is everywhere we look in life. But which is the ultimate, supreme theme? When it comes to spirituality or our souls, what is the one “Alpha and Omega” theme of duality?
More importantly, why does it matter which term we use?
Good vs. Evil Light vs. Dark Love vs. Hate Future vs. Past True vs. False Yin vs. Yang | Right vs. Left Up vs. Down Water vs. Fire Hot vs. Cold Day vs. Night Masculine vs. Feminine |
In the conversation of duality as it relates to us spiritually, many consider Light vs. Dark to be the primary duality concept – that the purpose of our existence is to raise our vibration to overcome the darkness; to move away from a dark, low-vibration life and towards a life of light and love. This is true, but not the complete picture.
“Good vs. Evil” Supersedes “Light vs. Dark”
We cannot talk about Spirit without having a foundation in God. God is Spirit. The Bible and other sacred texts discuss the urgent battle of Good versus Evil in this world. When we look around us in the world, the events in the news, the actions of those around us, we notice a clear split between things that are good versus evil. It exists all around us, and the Bible speaks of a “battle” between Good and Evil. This should be heeded, because we are here to work through our human existence across our various incarnations in order to advance our souls towards the “Good” side of the spectrum.
Related: Reincarnation from the Christian Perspective
“Light vs. Dark” does not have the same divinity that “Good vs. Evil” possesses. It also does not offer the profoundness of the divine battle for Good over Evil. The seriousness and urgency is much deeper when we use Good vs. Evil, as opposed to Light vs. Dark.
Duality & the Patterns of Reality
Reality is comprised of repeating patterns, cycles, and processes. For instance, just as there are currents and flows within our oceans, we see the same patterns or ways or movement on a much larger scale in outer space. A person’s inner workings mirror the same patterns we see on a global scale, and the same practices that we use to bring about our own self-improvement can be applied to improve the group dynamic of a town, city, or nation. In a recent magnified image of a human cell, the colors, structures, and patterns within it appear to resemble a universe. Everywhere we look, there are patterns. Everything is the same in a sense, whether on a small scale like an atom, or a large scale like the multiverse.
If we consider the fact that things mirror one another, in terms of their shared patterns, this is also true in the theme of duality. Many things share this dualistic “one side of the coin or other other” property, but the true duality of life – the one of utmost significance – is Good vs. Evil.

The Power of Words
The power of our words is underestimated in the global culture. It’s important is to recognize that the words we use in our daily conversations have more impact than we often realize.
Like the intentions we set, the words we speak can manifest. Words are powerful manifestation tools, whether manifesting thoughts, feelings, or physical actions. The ultimate example of this is found in the Christian religion, when God speaks Creation into existence with His word:
3 Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness.
Genesis 1:3-4 (NLT)
Planting Seeds with the Words We Use
The words we think, say, read and process matter. This is due to how our brains work to create neural pathways and associations.
Our thought process is comprised of neural pathways. These pathways connect to one another creating a neural network, in which everything is connected. (Didn’t we just talk about reoccurring patterns in reality? This interconnection sounds awfully like how we are all connected, or that everything is connected back to Source Energy.) This interconnection is how a single phrase or concept can dilute your overall mindset, acting like a toxic virus that’s slowly flowing throughout the entire network, infecting every node it comes into contact with. This why having the right terminology in place matters.

Source: Great Minds Clinic
There is a difference between considering Light vs. Dark or Good vs. Evil to be the primary theme of duality in life. When we use words that aren’t based in faith, we are lacking the fulfillment and meaning that only the Divine can provide. We are planting the seeds for darkness – not light. Using words that carry no faith-based associations can slowly change a word’s meaning. We are gradually shifting words like, “Light” from a meaning of absolute divinity, to one that is aimless, empty, and technically, dark in nature.
The Difference Between Good vs. Evil and Light vs. Dark
Good vs. Evil does not have the same meaning as Light vs. Dark. The individual words can be interchanged, for example in the Bible when “Light” is mentioned, the reader knows it is referring to something divine or pure. However, the concepts themselves are related to drastically different sets of associations.
While the word Light is similar to Good, and Dark is similar to Evil, they each carry very different meanings by association. Thanks to the neural pathways in our minds that connect thoughts together to create associations, Light is associated with secular concepts like Starseeds, the 5D, ascension, etc. It is missing the undertone of God. On the contrary, the phrase Good vs. Evil has an association to things of faith, such as the idea of sinning, the devil, heaven, salvation, and God.
Another example of how our associations with a word can alter its impact or meaning is with the words, “Rebirth” or “Transformation” vs. “Resurrection”. Rebirth and Transformation may bring things to mind like Numerology (the number 8, which represents rebirth), Tarot, or other topics that aren’t directly tied to God-based spirituality. Whereas Resurrection has a much stronger correlation with faith and associations to things like Jesus Christ, Easter, and divine miracles.
The Bible overlaps with many things from the pseudo-spiritual community, such as: Light, crystals (i.e. Revelation 21:18-21), transformation, Spirit, numerology (i.e. 12, 144), Book of Life, spirit bodies. This overlap occurs because truly, God-based spirituality encompasses all that makes up secular spirituality. To me, this is even more validation that the Christian/Hebrew faiths and pseudo-spiritualism are complimentary, where the ideas presented in pseudo-spirituality should be approached with a knowing that there is one divine God, that we are co-creators of our reality, and the difference between the Creator vs. Creation should always be upheld.
Starting the Age of Aquarius on the Right Foot
What we think/feel on the inside manifests into the people, things, and situations we experience on the outside. A concept that’s not grounded in God will carry that association throughout your mind, permeating your subconscious until you find yourself on a much darker path than you intended to be.
We are tasked with such an honorable, amazing thing: Our generation is responsible for setting the foundation for the Age of Aquarius. What we do now will determine the trajectory for the start of this amazing time. As you move forward in your spiritual awakening, consider the words you use.