The traditional definition of twin flames are two halves of the same soul, incarnated in two separate bodies. They are mirrors to each other, reflecting back their strengths, weaknesses, and deepest desires. The twin flame connection is one of the most intense and transformative relationships that a person can experience.
But there are two main types of twin flames: monadic and split soul.
Monadic Twin Flames
Monadic twin flames are two souls that were created together from the same source. Monadic twin flames are often referred to as “old souls” because they have incarnated on Earth many times before. They are here to learn and grow together, and to help each other to reach their full potential.

Symbolism of monadic soul groups can be found in nature. These symbols represent the unity, wholeness, and divinity of the monadic soul. The two halves of a heart coming together represent the union of the two halves of the soul. The spiral staircase leading upwards represents the soul’s journey of ascension. The lotus flower blooming represents the soul’s unfolding and growth. The rainbow represents the soul’s many different aspects and colors. The sun represents the soul’s radiance and divinity. The monadic soul is a complex and mysterious concept, but these images can help us to visualize it and to understand its essence.
Split Soul Twin Flames
Split soul twin flames are two souls that were once one soul. They split into two separate bodies in order to experience different aspects of life. Split soul twin flames are often drawn to each other immediately, but their relationship can be challenging. They must learn to balance their individual needs and desires with the needs of the soul.
This is the more traditional definition of a twin flame couple.
Differences Between Monadics and Split Souls
Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between monadic and split soul twin flames:
Characteristic | Monadic Twin Flames | Split Soul Twin Flames |
Soul origin | Created together from the same source | Once one soul, now split into two |
Relationship | Destined to work together | Can be challenging, but rewarding |
Incarnation experience | Old souls, incarnated many times before | May be younger souls, incarnated fewer times |
Soul purpose | To learn and grow together, and to help each other to reach their full potential | To balance their individual needs and desires with the needs of the soul |
Dynamics of a Soul

Images from Drake Bear Stephen, “Anatomy of a Soul”
How to Tell Which Type of Twin Flame You Are
There is no definitive way to tell which type of twin flame you are, but there are some signs that may indicate one type or the other. For example, if you feel a deep sense of connection with your twin flame and feel like you have known them your whole life, this may be a sign that you are monadic twin flames. If your relationship with your twin flame is more challenging, but you feel compelled to stay together, this may be a sign that you are split soul twin flames.
Ultimately, the best way to know for sure which type of twin flame you are is to listen to your intuition. Connect to your higher self through mediums like meditation. Your intuition and guides will guide you on your twin flame journey and help you to understand the nature of your relationship.
Twin Flame Life Cycle Statistics: A New Wave of Twin Flames
Learn the difference between monadic and split soul twin flames, including unique characteristics, soul histories, and dynamics. Discover which type you are and how to navigate your journey.
What Do People Think about Monadic and Split Soul Twin Flames?
Here’s what others had to say about this phenomenon:
1. Disputing the “monadic twin flames aren’t real ‘twin flames'” argument.
“There is not any such thing as a monadic twin flame. There is only split soul twin flame’s. Everything else is a projection of what people want for it to be. Monadic twin flame’s are just a representative of soulmates awakening you to your spiritual experience.”
Monadic partners are not technical “twin flames” if you’re defining this soul connection with the strict definition of, “one soul, two bodies.” Monadic partners can activate the twin flame mission within a shared lifetime together and walk that journey, so they’re included within the collective.
Monadic and split soul refer to the origin of one’s soul, but not the nature of said soul. They’re just different origins of soul birth. It’s the choice that the soul makes—to establish an inseparable bond over time and use their incarnations to further the mission of the collective—that defines “twin flames”. Origin vs nature :: How vs what/why.
We’re using 3D labels to describe these higher concepts. There will always be some discrepancy and imperfection in how they’re defined, since we’re using imperfect language to describe them in the first place.
TL;DR: Yes, someone who was born of the same energy monad can be on the twin flame journey. When discussing anything relating to twin flames or matters of the soul, it does us a disservice to apply such restricting and limiting terminology to something beyond basic 3D comprehension.
2. Whether Split Soul or Monadic, it’s about energy.
“Definitely split soul twin flame for me. My relationship has changed in the last year and has been getting more and more challenging. It’s like we’ve lost our way of communicating and we can’t figure how to get back to the way we use to communicate. I see it clearly one way but he sees it clearly another way. And since we can’t seem to see eye to eye anymore it’s started to build resentment between us. But just as I’m on the verge of feeling convinced that this will never work out, it’s like I suddenly have a change of heart. All I know is that when I think about not being with him, it’s really hard to think I would ever fall in love with anyone else. And this is a new feeling that I’ve never felt in past relationships.”
It is strange, that feeling that we won’t fall in love with anyone else except for this one person… it’s crazy for me to say, but I didn’t even love my ex-husband on the same level that I loved my ‘twin flame’ (who I had dated before I met my husband, and then he crashed back into my life in almost eerily divine timing right as I was separated from my then husband). So I know what you mean… and with the polarization, as well—the polarized emotion/energy.
I’ve been attempting to study this type of situation, because I’ve felt it. But then, my twin flame died. Instead of feeling like my love life was over and I’d never love again, this insurmountable wave of love kept flowing to me. It was a love I recognized, instantly. The same energy as my twin flame, flowing through the ether… I didn’t want to accept that I’d find someone who I could love or see the same way as I loved/saw them. But I’ve learned that this is all an energy game (not a ‘game’ in the literal sense).
- The energy of what we desire can flow through another (this is where concepts like a “walk-in soul” come in, or how we can look back at a certain phase in our life and not even recognize who we were bc we were in such a different state at the time).
- The energy of what we are and the vibe we’re putting off can call what matches us in our current state into our lives (Law of Attraction).
- The energy can be shifted, alchemized, or created into something new just by the signals of our thoughts and intentions (Law of Assumption)—and can move closer or farther away from a person.
TL;DR: No matter the type of soul birth or connection, it is wild how it always comes back to energy.
Superseding our ego can dissolve any resentment. Practicing release, surrender, and gratitude can clear communication blocks. We always have the choice to live in our natural state and not have those things alter our energy/frequency/vibration and bunk up the connection. And if we can’t be with that particular person due to relationship challenges, physical distance, or death, life will flow that energy to us through other means and create circumstances that can provide that same effect. We won’t be “loving someone else,” because we will find that it is the same that we’ve been loving all along!
Whether you are a monadic or split soul twin flame, your connection is a sacred and powerful one. This is a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation. If you are fortunate enough to be on this journey, cherish it and embrace the lessons that it has to teach you.
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