Personal transformation begins with what you allow yourself to believe. Are you open to limitless possibilities? Do you see yourself as an exponentially intricate system, larger than your mind or ego, and feeling the connection to your soul? If not, don’t fret! You are capable of finding peace, security, and abundance.
No one person will have the magic answer for you. But you can find the exact information you need by embarking on a journey of learning about the nature of consciousness, your body, energy, and gaining an understanding of who you are at the soul level. It’s about learning to trust what you’re receiving; forgoing the ego’s doubts and calming your inner skeptic. Your heart and intuition are never wrong. Knowing this is one thing, but living by it is another.
This article encourages a new perspective. Affirmations are embedded throughout for you to be the awesome co-creator you are.
How to view yourself as the self-loving, self-healing, co-creating bad** that you are.
Humans are amazing and worthy of love, not only because we are capable of great feats in the material world but also because we have the unique capacity to connect to our bodies in a spiritual way. Our connection to the body is one that is deeply rooted in many cultures, from ancient teachings about energy healing to common modern day practices like gratitude and mindfulness.
Through this spiritual connection, we can tap into our inner power and self-love and self-healing, and experience the beauty of the world around us. Honoring our bodies and cherishing the extraordinary ability to expand our senses to detect things on the astral, ethereal, and higher plane, we can achieve a new level of human evolution.
See how these functions fit into theories of the quantum field; how we are co-creators with the free will to reframe chaos into growth; and develop a deeper appreciation for your own worthiness and potential. It all starts with the Law of Assumption (e.g., “thoughts become things” and “what you focus on grows”).

Meridians, pathways, life force (Qi, Prana, etc.), auras, chakras, subtle bodies, the biofield… These modalities are living proof that you are an intricate system of energy.
Your energetic self is expressed physically like your aura (the electromagnetic energy field your body produces), and spiritually like the part of your soul that resides within you, expressed through the higher layers of the self.
Understand how beautifully complex you are, both at the cellular level and energetic level, and see just how miraculous you are.
Your body braves the storm every day. It’s a system of co-creation from the trillions of epigenetic mutations by your DNA, to the 50 trillion gut bacteria evolving your microbiome, to the 330 billion cells that you regenerate every day (1% of your cells) – all without even thinking about it!

The electromagnetic field (part of the larger biofield, an energetic field that transmits and infers information about yourself to others and the world around you) radiates from your heart. It is also called the toroidal field.
This toroidal field is named for its toroidal shape. It’s said to extend for an average of five feet around your body, with the heart being the center point. This field transmits your subtle body energy to the people you interact with.
If we think about the Bible and what the lessons of Jesus Christ teach us, He often mentions how it’s possible to detect the content of a person through their heart — without them ever uttering a word or requiring any circumstantial evidence from your end to decipher. This is fascinating! It means that none of us are victims of our environment. We can access true individual freedom to understand the dynamics of other people and use this information to make the best decision for ourselves — decisions that would best align with the intended path for ourselves. All without needing to get muddied or bogged down in the 3D material hum-and-drum of life.

The unbreakable tether at your Solar Plexus, also called the silver cord, binds your physical body to the metaphysical, spiritual plane; it’s a communication highway to and from your soul. Once you see yourself in this light, then worthlessness, doubt, and fear become foreign concepts.
Even your DNA is subject to inferring information at this level. What’s more is that it actively shifts and shapes itself accordingly. So, your genes don’t necessarily dictate who you are. You’re not a victim of your environment. Co-creation is your second nature. You can heal, adapt, and co-create! You possess the power and freedom to actualize your soul’s highest potential.
TL;DR: You are beautifully complex at the cellular and energetic levels. You are a miraculous co-creating machine! Your body performs what we’d call living miracles each and every day, without the need for conscious thought. It performs trillions of DNA mutations per day to do things like synchronize your nervous system, which ultimately levels up your consciousness. If all this happens beyond your scope of awareness, imagine what you can do with an attitude of limitless possibilities!
Affirm it!
Believe that you can grow, adapt, and essentially rebirth yourself in any way you please. Your genes don’t box you in as much as you think. Programming and 3D templates are easy to break. To do so, all it takes is aligning your thoughts with your emotions. Your chakras with your body. And your astral and etheric bodies with your spirit. Healing is the name of the game. You CAN self-heal and enrich your frequency to become closer to the vibration of your Higher Self.
Life begins to move when the many layers, levels and dimensions of yourself are in balance, harmony and alignment.

The 1900s brought focus to the brain as what makes you, you. The 2020s is returning us to a more balanced view of your body-mind-spirit system. The heart-brain connection and the gut-brain link are essential to your cognitive processing. Thoughts are not purely cognition. They’re influenced by subtle cues from these important energy centers, which receive and transmit information in your electromagnetic (auric) field. You are a complex system, not just your brain.
Computers are used as a reference point for us to understand our flow of energy and add clarity in the comprehension of higher dimensional concepts. The brain is in constant flux with the gut (which promotes intuition) and the heart (which promotes healing and life force).
One thought is not a singular linear notion. It has countless supporting subjects, topics, feelings, and subtle influences branching off, flowing into it to create it. This thought resonates frequency — affecting your vibrational blueprint on this world.
Activate your innate superpowers to achieve the life you desire.
In short, you have the natural superpowers to:
➤ Untie your thoughts from your emotions.
➤ Differentiate your ego from your soul.
➤ Separate earthly concepts from Divine truths.
Once you learn to exercise these “superpowers,” you’ll find the peace you’ve been searching for right within yourself. This will bring clarity of your purpose for being here and make you more receptive to the infinite source of love, which is interpreted by the heart and processed by the brain.
The idea of connecting your mind, body, and soul and lifting up closer to the Divine can be quite daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. The body is the ultimate vessel for sending and receiving energetic signals that intertwine with the very fabric of reality to create your situation.
When you think with clarity and focus on what’s most important, a synchronized vibration is created and creates harmony between all aspects of you. And it’s this balanced state that opens yourself up to limitless possibilities aka life’s miracles.
The Connected Life: A Roadmap of Existential Secrets for Personal Transformation
What if there was a roadmap to living a connected life? Learn the knowledge to supercharge your personal transformation. From what frequency is, to chakras and subtle bodies, the soul matrix, electromagnetic field, the gut-brain link, solfeggio frequencies, and more, this session explains the concepts you need to understand to level up to 5D consciousness in an easy-to-understand way for applying to your life. Access your highest potential and unlock the powerful co-creator within!