The conversation on the earth ascending into 5D and the conversation on the human consciousness or soul ascending into 5D are causing confusion in the spiritual community. It’s easy to wonder what exactly is meant by “ascension”. Will it be physical? Just in consciousness? Is it simply a state of higher vibration and universal love?
Just as 4D time exists and overlaps with the 3D, such as how we experience by time but have no other control or domain over it, yet we know it’s there and are affected by it here in 3D, the spiritual 5D exists in this way as well.
As for ascension itself, it is fascinating because there is evidence that this will happen at both the physical and spiritual levels. Sacred texts within religions like Christianity promise of a “new earth” where we will get our “spiritual bodies”. Our physical being will be replaced by something else (Source: Book of Revelation).

Is the 5D Higher than the 3D?
Our reality is comprised of all of the dimensions. No one dimension is closer or farther from something that exists outside of our reality, like Heaven.
The 5D overlays the 3D. There is no up/down, higher/lower. The term “higher” comes from how the vibrations and frequencies within the 5D are on a much higher level than what we’re used to here on earth. In that respect, the 5D is “higher” than the 3D.
A more accurate statement would be: Compared to the 3D, the vibrations and frequencies of the 5D are much higher.
“The fifth dimension has always been around us, surrounding us and in us. But it has little to do with the planets. I believe that it has more to do with our connectivity to the divine, the sacred, the infinite, to love, to kindness.”
Higher dimensions are components of creation, required for this world to exist the way it does. They are just as much a part of creation as say, empathy or telepathy are normal energetic abilities (versus “psychic”) that we each possess, like any other sense or skill we have.
5D isn’t separate from 3D. It’s a part of it! It is integrated into our daily existence.
What is the 5D (Fifth Dimension)?
To better understand the 5D, it helps to think about it in relation to the 3D and 4D.
The third dimension (3D) is the realm of the world as we know it. 3D is the physical realm in which we live, a world of pleasure and ego.
The fourth dimension (4D) is the realm of time, commonly referred to as the Astral Plane.
“The 4th dimension is often referred to as the Astral Plane. It is characterised by a shift in the way times flows and how you’re able to interact with it. 4D is very much like a dream dimension.” –
Like the 4D, the 5D is not a physical realm. Also like 4D, in which we’re able to experience the dimension of time, but not fully able to do much more with it, the 5D can be experienced from the 3D.
If 3D = space and 4D = time, then 5D is like an energetic layer that overlays them both.
A Non-physical Realm of Love, Light and Consciousness
Unlike 3D and 4D, the 5D exists outside of space/time. It is a realm of consciousness and unconditional love. Compared to 3D, 5D is a place of light, love, and spirit on a more etheric level. Its vibration and frequency is much higher than it is in the world as we know it.
If you think about all the dimensions as being together in a closed loop system (i.e. Creation, if you will), the 4D and 5D is what connects us to our Higher Self and spiritual guides.
Where Our Souls Return
I consider the 5D to be the realm where we exist at a more ketheric, spirit level. Not in a physical way, but after we complete a life here on earth, we die and leave our physical bodies. Our soul “returns” to 5D like a “home base” after completing an incarnation here on earth. Since 5D is outside of space/time, we are always existing at the 5D level. Technically, we never leave it because we are there now, outside of linear time.
The reports of interacting with other “light beings” or beings who seem to know our path and offer guidance on it (Near Death Experience survivors, DMT adventurers, and those who practice transcendental meditation often report this) has to do with 5D. The 5D is where these “beings” originate, how they’re able to exist, and the way that they’re able to connect and even communicate with us.
What is the 5D like?
Because it is a place where only our spiritual selves go and not our physical selves, which is what the ego and other negative things originate from, it’s usually depicted as a place of pure light and positivity. Since our souls can know love, they can also know the opposite. So, while “negativity” may exist in the 5D, it’s nothing like the negativity as we think of it from our human experience. It is not ego-driven or plagued with the illusions we face in this world from our own self-consciousness, insecurities, or pain. With the ego removed from the picture, the 5D becomes a place of love, support, understanding, and compassion. If you had to describe the tone of the interpersonal environment in the 5D, it would be, “We are all in this together.”
We are not our bodies. We are not what we experienced in this one lifetime. This is just one stop along the way in our journey to enrich our souls.
Things get much more complicated when we tie in concepts like the oversoul or the soul matrix, plus dimensions, time, and space. For instance:

Is Heaven the 5D?
Since the 5D is part of Creation, it isn’t any “higher” than the 3D, in respect to Heaven. It exists within the bubble of Creation and is no nearer to reaching a world like Heaven.
The 5D exists within our reality – it is a part of Creation, whereas Heaven is a truly divine realm beyond our world. The 5D is no closer to Heaven than the 3D.
Compared to a concept like Heaven, the 5D is no more divine or surreal than the 3D world we’re experiencing now. It’s also no farther or unreachable. (TL;DR: Heaven isn’t the 5D.)
Will We Physically Ascend into the 5D?
Our consciousness can intangibly ascend to the 5D today, right now. Physical ascension requires divine intervention, however.
The theory that humankind and the earth is ascending into 5D is interesting. The Bible actually supports this idea! We will get a “new earth” and new bodies. But we can’t get there on our own. If ascension requires divine intervention, common sense would say that the 5D is not outside of what we consider “creation”. It’s very much within it.
Is the Goal of Existence to Ascend to 5D?
The 5D is the energetic (or spirit or light) realm of creation. We are receiving nudges of intuition, meaningful synchronicities, and deep subconscious cues from the 5D every day. It’s an active part of the human existence. Technically, if the 5D is outside of space/time, then each of us already exists within it.
Remember, we can’t approach the idea of 5D with a 3D mindset. Don’t be afraid to break limitations, throw out any limiting thoughts that restrict you from viewing it with endless possibilities.
Ascending to 5D isn’t the goal. The goal is much greater than that. The 5D is fascinating and awe-inspiring to comprehend, so people understandably set that as the ultimate goal of self-actualization. Just as the Hebrews were promised the land from Isreal all the way to the Euphrates and Tigres rivers, and instead of going for that promised land, the Hebrew people chose to settle for an area that was a miniscule fraction of the size, we are doing the same when we set our sights on the 5D and choose to ignore greater promises.
The world is way more complex and beautiful than we give it credit for. Why do we keep trying to escape it? The 5D and other dimensions are accessible from this point. Right here, right now. There is no need to leave or ascend. Just to continue enriching your soul and support others in the same, and your frequency will increase, your vibration will rise, and ascension will be built into our interdimensional experience.
Related Reading:
• The Relationship Between Souls and the 5D
• Twin Flame Soul Merge: Entering into 5D Union
• Understanding Twin Flames: A 5D Relationship in a 3D World
• Timeline Hopping Alternate Realities after an NDE
WOW! Beautifully written, thank you!