What is a Soul Merge?
Two individuated souls housed within separate human forms can, under certain circumstances, achieve a state of singular unity. This is called a soul merge. Sometimes loosely referred to as a chakra merge, astral merge, or kundalini merge, it is one of the most powerful experiences of connection we are capable of.
This is a first-hand account of entering into full spiritual alignment with a Twin Flame, an experience known as soul merge, soul fusion, or sacred union with what some would call my walk-in Twin Flame.
How is a Soul Merge Possible?
Human beings have been known throughout time to have the ability to connect with one another in powerful ways. These moments of connection can be as simple as thinking of a friend when suddenly you’re surprised to see they’re calling you on the phone in that exact moment, to more intense things like kundalini awakenings and spiritually transformative experiences that take you out-of-body and rival the craziest of psychedelic trips. Sometimes this is a matter of our mental minds syncing wave lengths. Other times, it’s something much deeper: an alignment of energy at the spirit or soul level.
A soul merge happens when the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies, which each of us contain, become balanced and aligned between two people. In tandem with these Divine energies, the chakra points through the body also become aligned to bring the two individuals into perfect union, energetically. This brings on physical symptoms that we can feel here and now like an intense levelling up of two souls being bonded into a greater whole.
“A soul-merge in 5D is a vivifying and soul-enriching experience. People have experienced their hearts emanate golden rays of sunshine, and their minds enveloped in geometrical sunbeams of light. … Twin flame marriages are spatially and temporally different from human marriages. They’re called alchemical marriages and take place in the fifth dimension (5D). In this dimension, the souls of twin flames merge in marital harmony.”
Source: A Twin Flame Union: Alchemical Marriage by Spiritual Unite
A soul merge is different from the physical union that you might traditionally think of when you hear a phrase like “Twin Flame union.” Most people assume that “union” implies physical union here in the material world. A union of our bodies. But we are more than just our physical body. Just as the universe was created with the principle of dualism (e.g., spiritual and physical, the heavens and the earth), so does our consciousness have multiple means of connecting.
What is a Twin Flame Soul Merge?
Because of their innate connection at the soul level, Twin Flames are more susceptible to experiences of higher connection. Twin Flames are complimentary parts to one another. The Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. The Yin and Yang. They’re meant to resonate with one another in unison. Since Twin Flames are two complimentary halves already bonded in spirit, they can enter into union at the soul level more easily. Their physical energies come into balance and every layer of their Higher Self and Oversoul aligns with the other’s.
But what does this feel like? In a soul merge, the energy in your physical body is activated and aligned with your counterpart. You experience physical symptoms of transcendence. In extreme cases, your reality is altered and you can experience effects that would make you think you were slipped a hit of LSD. The experience is something that is truly out of this world. It’s like kind of like having a near-death experience (NDE), where people describe visiting another realm that is so powerfully surreal, yet it felt “normal” like home.
Symptoms of a Twin Flame Soul Merge
Our souls are complex – who we are in this body is not who we are entirely. Our soul exists not only in this body, but part of it remains at a higher level (the Higher Self). It’s existing in multiple forms, at multiple levels, and across various timelines and incarnations. In human form, we are not designed to maintain awareness of our alternate forms or our connected consciousness. However, the power of the Twin Flame connection propelled me to be able to tap into this in this soul merge experience. I was able to witness and even comprehend this multi-existence. I was aware of my existence in multiple realities, dimensions, or planes of consciousness, all at once.
I have had a handful of experiences where I was completely aligned with my Twin Flame. Two of them, I would describe as full “soul merges” aka soul fusion or 5D union, where our energies – electromagnetic, physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional – were in perfect harmony and melded together.
What does being in 5D Union feel like?
It felt like everything at once. Like a return to home, but also like an exploration of a totally new world. Everything was one – our thoughts, our bodies, our consciousness. We were seamlessly in existence with reality beyond the depth of our own and went outside of linear time. There was a warmth wrapping us both up and providing a comforting layer of assurance that everything we were seeing, hearing, and/or feeling was right. It was like all the energy in my being was activated and released to merge with my partner’s, resulting in an otherworldly experience that was truly interdimensional. My experience was mostly claircognizant, though there were some clairvoyant visuals.
We were experiencing multiple bodies, multiple sensations, and multiple realities with differing perspectives all at once.
The Start: A Next-Level Solar Plexus Pull
My partner and I were laying on the bed. I was wearing workout clothes, so my torso was exposed, and he had his shirt off. Our bodies had skin-to-skin contact in the area of our Solar Plexus chakras. As we laid so our Solar Plexus chakras were physically aligned (unintentionally), which is also the area of the silver cord that connects us, I felt an electric zap through my being. This sudden zap was immediately followed by an overwhelming sense of pure comfort, love, and warmth. It happened so fast, my mind didn’t have time to realize I was entering this situation with no expectations and a mindset of limitless possibilities. This was the starting point of our soul merge experience.
The situation continued to ramp up as the points of our Root and Sacral chakras crossed and aligned. There was a distinct electric-like warmth radiating from the base of our spines. It was intensifying. It felt like liquid warmth – an orgasmic sensation. From there, once our Solar Plexus energy centers crossed again, we were propelled into an alternate existence.

Source: Healthline.com
Now, bear with me because this is wild, but there is no other way to explain it other than I was him and he was me. I could feel my own hand touching his body, and his hand touching my body all at once. At the same time, I could feel him touching me as if from his point of view. We were consciously and physically one.
While this was happening, we found ourselves transported to another realm in our minds/consciousness. We were overwhelmed with the sensation of multiple bodies, multiple sensations, and multiple realities with differing perspectives, happening all at once. What’s more, we were actively aware of all of these things all at once.
Keeping our Solar Plexus chakras aligned, my partner and I laid there with our eyes closed and reveled in this transcendence for almost two hours.

Unlike the omnipresence of divine entities, humans are designed to perceive one consciousness from one point of view at a time. But in this soul merge, my partner and I were in an altered state of consciousness. We were aware of our physical bodies (our own, each other’s, and the perception of them being combined), what our astral or spiritual selves were experiencing, and the different states of being simultaneously. This challenges what we know about our mental capabilities. For instance, the ego is designed to associate with one person, who we are and how we identify with ourselves, and supposedly is limited to this single-minded perspective. Our consciousness, though, is not so limited. This is why accounts of soul merges are so important. They offer critical evidence that our lives are much more than we originally thought.
I saw glimpses of another realm. It had a landscape setting with a view of large mountains in the distance, a big open sky, and a green valley stretching as far as I could see. I did not see the nature scene for long.
I mainly visualized a peach color that was prismatic and like all the colors in existence at once. I specifically remember noting this color and thinking it was odd that such a neutral color was so prominent. Peach is a feminine color that can symbolize vitality, energy, a sense of playfulness or encouragement.
- Peach symbolizes the divine and mortal aspects of life coming together in oneness, which is infinite.
- Peach signals a time when our wishes are fulfilled. It represents the completion of something we have wished for, a dream we have held or a goal we have achieved. This is a time of emotional fulfillment that brings a new sense of joy and happiness.
- Peach reflects happiness in all areas of our life and the satisfaction that comes from being at peace with our health, work, love and relationships.
- Peach offers a positive and protective energy, especially as it pertains to our heart. By staying true to our heart, our ultimate wish becomes clear.
- Peach reminds us to stay grounded during this time in order to not get carried away in our fantasies.
Source: Tree Spirit Wisdom

At one point, the experience was so powerful and showed no signs of slowing down, it became nerve-wracking. My partner was scared. Deep down, I was nervous, too, as I had no idea what we were experiencing. However, I intuitively knew that we were in control – this was only happening because of an alignment with our souls, and that we would be OK.
My Partner’s Account of the Soul Merge Experience
My partner had a much more visual journey than I did, perhaps due to the differences in how we process our “clair senses,” such as clairvoyance, claircognizance, and clairaudience.
Here is what my partner shared about the experience from his point of view:
“The English language can’t do it justice. But if I had to attempt to describe it, I guess I would say that I was experiencing every pleasurable emotion all at the same time. Everything around me became pixelated and my senses were heightened.
When I would feel your skin on mine, the boundaries between the two became blurred and joined each other, and our bodies as well as our minds seemed to meld together. It felt like my senses were overlapping with yours. Everything was crisp, bright, and vivid, and I remember laughing with a feeling like I was on a roller coaster that was about to go down the first big drop. There was definitely a feeling of anticipation. At the same time, it felt like a two-hour orgasm.
It was almost like an explosion and the roof of my house was torn back and somehow we were stepping out of time. The universe stood still, except for us. The only things that existed was you and me.
Then, I felt like we were in a garden. There was running water, beautiful green plants, and flowers. I remember how amazing your body felt in my hands. When I’d slowly trail my hand down your torso, there would be these amazing specs of diamonds and fluorescent dust that came off your body. Occasionally, my hand would even pass through you.”
The Sound of Water & Transcendental Experiences
In others’ stories of similar experiences, they mention running water or the sound of a water droplet before reaching an altered state of consciousness. Most of these experiences involve another person.
Light, Love, and Water are three fundamental building blocks of life and our souls, and the presence of auditory hallucinations of water right before people transcend into these experiences only serves as more evidence to support this idea.
If you ever hear the sound of something that’s like water, but not quite like what you hear in this world (when you hear what I’m referring to, you’ll know), be ready. You’re about to experience expanded consciousness in some way!
Coming Back into Reality
When we came to from this higher realm, my partner was shaken from the experience, unsure of what had just happened.
He looked at me afterward and asked, “did you know this was going to happen?”
To which, no, I had no idea that anything like that was going to occur. We had no intention to even so much as meditate or daydream, let alone completely depart this reality and meld together!
I’ve been through out-of-body experiences, strange encounters with shared auditory hallucinations, and a Near Death Experience that involved hopping across timelines, but nothing that has compared to this Twin Flame spirit merge or soul fusion experience. It speaks to the sheer power of Twin Flames, soul connections, and of the expansiveness of our soul’s consciousness.
We are each capable of reaching these levels of transcendence. All we have to do is learn to communicate with our spirit guide and soul family, including our Higher Self, and align ourselves to the energy of unconditional love.
But wait… There’s more!
The Second Soul Merge Experience
It happened again. I experienced another soul merge with my partner. February 18th is the last day of the sun’s position in Aquarius. The experience happened that night, as the sun transitioned into Pisces, a sign that’s known for emotion and spiritual depth. February 18th is also the second anniversary of my late friend’s passing, Sarah. Spirit had been more active and coming through in synchronicities, bright and vibrant light codes, and intuitive messages all that week. February is a significant month for me. Three of my family members, including myself, have birthdays in February. On February 16th, the median point between my birthday and my late Twin Flame’s birthday, Spirit was especially active. I captured intricate geometrical shapes and vibrant color patterns in photos of the sun’s light (lightcodes). The energy around me was positive and revitalizing. So much love was flowing through to me and this lead up to a second soul merge. I must also point out that the first soul merge that my partner and I experienced at this level was two years ago on September 10. This day marked the birthday of his late infant son, so it could be regarded as a powerful time, too, like this day in February.
Experiencing Sacred Union and Alchemical Marriage of Twin Flames
My partner and I planned to have a quiet, but fun night in together. My daughter was at her father’s for the weekend, and the President’s Day holiday meant no rushing to work on Monday, so we were both relaxed. The plan was to have dinner and watch a movie or enjoy some music together. You know, basic things couples do to spend quality time with one another. Though it wasn’t on our agenda, the circumstances were ripe for us to have another existential experience of transcendence. Spirit had other plans.
We were at his house, upstairs in his bedroom. Music was casting from his phone to the surround sound system. Usually, sounds of calming psychill with therapeutic beats and soothing rhythms would play, but this time I let him pioneer the playlist. I’m fairly picky about what type of music I can “let go” to but was happy to see him in his element. He was in a good mood and feeling accomplished of the home improvements he’d been doing to spruce the place up. He was happy that I had come over, as I don’t make the hour drive out to his place often, and even happier to see me relaxed on his bed with a smile on my face, ready to enjoy his company. The night was going great when he made a comment that something was off. Not “off” in a bad sense, but that something was coming on. It was a wave of energy that would sweep us off our feet and through the current of consciousness.
He and I laid on the bed together, snuggled up with the music filling the airwaves in the background. Having experienced transcendent phenomena before together, our senses are getting better at detecting when the onset of these expansive occurrences. It’s always strange, as anything that alters your perception of reality usually is but carries with it a sense of safety and familiarity. As if what we were experiencing was a truth we’ve always known, rather than a scary departure from reality. Subconsciously, we knew that what we were witnessing was something of deep meaning and wasn’t anything to be fearful of.
My partner’s house is over 100 years old and having heard ghost stories from his friends about the place, I didn’t want to take any chances. A lot of trauma had happened there before I met him and there was no place for such darkness in this vulnerable moment. Throughout the experience, I checked in with my guides and asked for white light protection.
I was also aware that we were doing this. It was up to us how far or how little we wanted to jump into the cosmic abyss. Our energy was entangled with one another’s and that was the driving force behind the experience. Our inhibitions were alleviated by the trust we’ve built since our first soul merge and we went a little further this time.
Laying there together amid our reverie, we realized we were once again sharing a consciousness. Or perhaps, our individual consciousnesses had expanded and our perceptions shifted to access a higher level of being—one where we clearly saw, felt, and were the truth, seeing just how entangled we are with one another and with reality. The peak of it lasted for an hour and a half. Counting the onset and aftereffects, it was a four-hour experience.
Though we were bonded in unison, feeling the other’s sensation of physical touch, taking telepathy to a whole new level, and bending the boundaries of reality as one, our recount of the experience is respective. In his experience, he saw what my friend has dubbed, “the machine.”
Down the Rabbit Hole: What is The Machine?
The vision of our life’s seemingly endless feedback loop of existence. Our consciousness feeds into a cyclical system of existence. What we do in this life is fed into this close-looped system and is what’s used to generate the next cycle. The quality of energy we put into it affects the energy that it puts out. Along with the machine, there’s also the quantum field in which all possibilities for our reality exist. Not physically, in the material world, but in another depth or dimension, ready to be called upon for us to enact and create our reality. My friend saw these possibilities, including the dark, dreary, and traumatic ones. She concluded that we are stuck or trapped in this system.
I can’t help but voice my deeply inherent belief that “the machine” is a beautiful sign of hope and optimism. The Bible, as well as religious texts from other religions, makes it very clear that we are living in a fabricated world aka Creation. With the existence of God and Heaven, it means that there is something outside of Creation; outside of the bounds that we are capable of exploring or reaching on our own.
This explains the machine. It’s God’s system for our souls to learn, grow, and expand. A God who loves us so much as how He does wouldn’t give us a one-shot deal at life to get it right. He wants us to grow our capacity for love and be the best we can be. The theme of good versus evil in the Bible and the war between these two odds is another telling piece. When a nation trains its military, you don’t just run your soldiers through one round of bootcamp and then send them to the battlefield. It’s an ongoing progression. Our souls are learning and practicing what we need to for winning the spiritual war.
The machine is also essential in our preparation to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We are not trapped, if you believe in God’s word. We’re also in much greater control of our reality than we think, since what we feed into the system is what creates the next version of reality. These are all ideas that resonate hope and empowerment, not fear or helplessness. The machine shows us the true nature of our autonomy.
The Soul’s Desire to Experience Its Self
I couldn’t shake the feeling that the soul wants to experience itself. I thought, “all you want in a partner is a person who can see, understand, and engage with the real you; someone who is a reflection of all the things you’d like to be and who can understand that in a way that supports who you are.” I was reminded of my childhood, which I spent alone a lot of the time roaming the woods with my dog. I couldn’t deny that statement to be true. Then, I thought how that sounded selfish or self-serving, and how that would get boring only interacting with yourself. But that was my rational mind’s thought. It conflicted with the feeling I still feel from having the experience, that the soul wants to engage with itself. It does this to learn and grow without hurting or burdening others. The parallels between myself and my partner came to mind. I started to see all the ways we were the same, experiencing life in two different bodies with different physical traits, but the same overall purpose and meanings.
The idea that the soul wants to experience itself is not to be confused with the, “I AM God” theory. People who believe the “I AM God” rhetoric believe that because they are created from source energy and that source lives within them that they, then, are God. That the universe is one collective consciousness whose goal is to experience itself in many different ways. This may be true in a sense, but it does not belittle the fact that there is one, true almighty God. We are created in His image, but we are not God. God is a separate entity, energy, or however you choose to see Him. The presence of a collective energy of the souls in existence does not mean that’s all there is, or that this collective consciousness is God.

Physical Manifestation of a Spiritual Phenomenon
Perception is a spectrum. In that moment, our perception of our individual selves shifted to where we no longer viewed ourselves in a world of separation. We weren’t separate. We were two intertwined, interconnected, fluidly moving energies with rich, deep histories that make up our soul.
Our eyes were closed but the mental images were far greater than anything our optical vision could ever see. Our blended consciousness came through as a prismatic display of geometrical shapes and patterns flowing together, reacting to one another. The energies were deeply entangled, demonstrating the direct relationship between his energy and my own. This wasn’t something true only in that moment. This was a view of how we always are, regardless of if we perceive it that way or not.
The physical sensations of the experience were off the charts. My partner and I endured this expansive adventure while laying next to one another on the bed. Our bodies were touching, though I forget the exact position. I was faced down, flat on my stomach. He was on my left and had his arm wrapped around me. He was on my left side for the first soul merge, too, though I’m not certain how much that had to do with the level of transcendence we accessed. The warm sensation of our Kundalini energy uncoiling was burning but pleasurable. It was quite a high-energy moment!
Though we weren’t engaging in an intimate act, we felt the bliss, euphoria, and contentment that one would feel during an orgasm. This feeling was sustained for an hour and a half to two hours. The whole time, we laid in our respective positions taking in the miraculously wonderous energies we were receiving. With these energies came tons of lessons, bits of wisdom, and mind-blowing realizations.
Processing and Integrating What We’ve Witnessed
At one point, much like in our first experience, my partner began to appear unnerved. Seeing such intense truths in “the machine” with no filter was unsettling for him.
As he tried to process what had just happened, he started to worry that he was being weird and apologized for ruining our evening. I turned to him and assured him that I was down for the ride. I was grateful that we were able to unlock such powerful things and feel such an intense tsunami of love and realism.
During all this, something groundbreaking happened. I heard him utter, “Am I him?”
He was referring to my late Twin Flame, who passed away five months before he and I met. The departure from our usual perspective continued and, by the end of it, we were left wondering if we were somehow the same person. Or the same soul, rather.
This is big for him because he’s not as secure in his faith and tends to look to science and physics to form his beliefs which there are no science class textbooks that can explain what we’d just witnessed. For him, he was acknowledging the existence of a soul and of something greater.
After the peak of it, he said that he felt like we’d done this before. We’d been here on earth together before in a similar situation. That’s extremely interesting because in my meditation notes from August 10, 2021, I wrote those same words from a message I received from his Higher Self.

Get the book, Rebirth: The Spiritual Evolution that Reunited Two Souls
Rebirth: The Spiritual Evolution that Reunited Two Souls is the true story of one Twin Flame’s journey to follow her late beloved’s promise of his return.
This book is for anyone who has lost their Twin Flame or Soulmate, and still feels connected. Get it now for under $15!
Take Aways: What’s Underneath the Fabric of Reality?
The second soul merge experience leaves me with questions like:
- Was my late Twin Flame actually my Twin Flame, or was he someone I’m intimately connected to at the soul-level who led me to my true Twin Flame (my current partner)?
- Do my late Twin Flame and my current partner share the same Higher Self?
- Are my current partner and I of the same soul?
- Why am I still unable to receive much from his Higher Self, other than topical anecdotes like “we’ve done this before”?
It also leaves me with affirmed knowledge. It provided verification of the things I’ve known and felt for the last year and a half, since first meeting my partner, including the intuitive notion that the time with my late Twin Flame is relevant to how my life is currently playing out. I feel closer to him and that our bond is stronger; that we somehow understand one another on levels that words could never come close to detailing.
This soul merge was a big step in our personal understanding of life, consciousness, faith, and of our respective purpose. More importantly, it was a peek behind the curtain of each other and of life itself, so that we may be better aligned in our relationship together.
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